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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-240166ACCESS For ELLs Pre-ID Report: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields

NJ ACCESS For ELLs Pre-ID Report Version: 1.4

The identified report is updated to convert the GetCF method call to direct extended fields to achieve better report performance.

PSSR-240174All Enrollments and Industry Credentials Pages: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields

The following pages are updated to use the direct extended table fields to improve page performance.

  • Start Page > Student Selection > All Enrollments > Edit Enrollment Record
  • Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information > Industry Credentials
PSSR-240213Discontinue the NJ Pre-ID Reports

The NJ Pre-ID Test Labels for NJBCT, NJ Pre-ID Test Labels for ASK, and NJ Pre-ID Test Labels for Algebra I & II reports are moved to Legacy section.

PSSR-245918Language Spoken by Teacher field logic updated for 20-21 changes

NJ Smart Staff Submission Etract: Version 1.2

The Language Spoken by Teacher field in the SMART Staff Submission extract will now extract value "N" if the language spoken by teacher field in the NJ Smart Staff Submission UI field is updated as ENG or blank.

PSSR-244320New Link added to Access State Reports from Student Menu

A new link named "State Reports" has been added below the State/Province-NJ link on the student menu to access the System reports > State tab directly without going back to the Start page.

PSSR-240168SLA (Student Learning Assessment) Report: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields

NJ SLA (Student Learning Assessment): Version 3.1

The identified report is updated to convert the GetCF to use direct extended fields to improve report performance.

PSSR-240171SLA-S (Student Learning Assessment - Science) Report: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields

NJ SLA-S (Student Learning Assessment - Science) Report: Version 2.1

The identified report is updated to convert the GetCF to direct extended fields to improve report performance.

PSSR-240159SMART Career and Technical Education Submission Report - GetCF Performance Improvements

NJ SMART Career and Technical Education Submission: Version 2.5

To improve performance, the identified report is updated to no longer reference legacy custom fields.

PSSR-247107SMART Course Roster Submission Student Extract Update

NJ SMART Course Roster Submission - Student Extract, Version 2.0

The report is updated to display the correct date format for section entry and exit dates.

PSSR-240172SSDS Incident Report Form: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields

NJ SSDS Incident Report Form: Version 1.4

To improve performance, the identified report is updated to convert the GetCF function to direct extended fields an will no longer reference legacy custom fields.

PSSR-240163Student Field Validation Report: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields

Student Field Validation Report: Version 2.6

The identified report is updated to convert the GetCF call to direct extended fields to improve report performance.

PSSR-245976SPED Submission 2020-21 Update: SPED Placement Values UI Update

SPED Submission Report: Version 3.1

Sped Placement values has been updated to reflected the submission values for the 2020-21 school year.

PSSR-240160Staff Course Report: GetCF Performance Improvements

Staff Course Report: Version 1.4

To improve performance, the identified report is updated to no longer reference legacy custom fields.

PSSR-240173State Assessment Registration Report: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields

NJ State Assessment Registration Report:  Version 1.2
Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields to achieve better performance for NJ State Assessment Registration Report.

PSSR-226895New - Student CDS Codes Extract

Student CDS Code Extract: Version 1.0
This is a new report to extract the County, District, and School CDS Code details of each student. The students who have current enrollment in the selected year will be eligible for appearing in the report.  The report parameters can be modified to extract the Legal or Preferred Name of the student.

PSSR-240162Student Course Update: Convert GetCF to use Direct Extended Fields

Student Course Update: Version 2.0

The identified report is updated to convert the GetCF call to use direct extended fields to improve report performance.

PSSR-245969Update 504 Section Field Links on NJSLA & NJSLA-S Tabs

The 504 Section links located on the NJSLA & NJSLA-S tabs are updated to redirect to the student Current Enrollment page.

PSSR-244525Update on NJ SMART Teacher Last Name (Override) Field in Staff State/Province Tab

The NJ SMART Teacher Last Name (Override) field is updated to allow special characters like <space> and <-> (hyphen) to enter in the text field.

PSSR-244267Update on Staff Submission Tab: Credential Type and FTE Fields Validations Updated

The Credential Type field on the NJ SMART Staff Assignments section has been updated to stay as mandatory if the Job Code is between 0100 and 4001. However, the field will be optional for codes 0700, 0701, 0702, 0703.
The Full-Time Equivalency field has been updated to convert the values to hundredths. For example, If the value is entered as 1.0 then the system will convert the value to 1.00.

PSSR-244884Update Staff Field Validations for Non-Required Fields

Fields Staff Member Identifier (SMID) and NJ SMART Teacher Last Name (Override) on the general tab are no longer mandatory fields.

The Language Spoken By Teacher field on the NJS Staff submission is no longer a mandatory field.

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