S_NJ_STU_X (ver 14.11.1)
This table is an extension of the Students table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 14.11.1 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Students] table. |
Access_AccountableCounty | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Access_AccountableCounty |
Access_AccountableDistrict | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Access_AccountableDistrict |
Access_AccountableSchool | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Access_AccountableSchool |
ACCESS_Test_Format_Override | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Online or Paper Test. |
Access_TestingSiteCounty | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Access_TestingSiteCounty |
Access_TestingSiteDistrict | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Access_TestingSiteDistrict |
Access_TestingSiteSchool | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Access_TestingSiteSchool |
ACCESS_Tier_Paper_Tests | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Tier For Paper Tests. |
AdultHS_NB_Credits | 17.3.0 | Number(25,10) | Migrated from: [Students]adultHS_nb_credits |
Alternate_ACCESS | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Alternate ACCESS Tester. |
AlternativeEducationProgram_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_AlternativeEducationProgram |
Annual_IEP_Review_Meeting_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | Annual IEP Review Meeting Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_LatestIEPMeetingDate]. |
ASK_SpecialCodesA | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ASK_SpecialCodesA |
ASK_SpecialCodesB | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ASK_SpecialCodesB |
ASK_SpecialCodesC | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ASK_SpecialCodesC |
ASK_SpecialCodesD | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ASK_SpecialCodesD |
ASMT_AC | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Alternate Communication (AC). |
ASMT_Alt_Rep_Paper | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a student requires paper and pencil test format as an approved accommodation. |
ASMT_Alternate_Location | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a student is tested in a specially assigned location. |
ASMT_Answer_Masking | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | Specifies as part of an Assessment Personal Needs Profile the type of masks the user is able to create to cover portions of the question until needed. |
ASMT_Answers_Recorded_Paper | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | The student records the answers directly in the test book. Responses must be transcribed verbatim by a test administrator in a student answer book or answer sheet. Responses that have not been transcribed will not be scored. |
ASMT_ASL_Video | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that American Sign Language content is provided to the student by a human signer through a video. |
ASMT_AT | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Assistive Technology (AT). |
ASMT_Braille_Response | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(3) | A student who is blind or visually impaired and their response is captured by a Braille Writer or Notetaker. |
ASMT_Braille_Tactile_Paper | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(3) | Indicates whether a student needs a hard copy braille test booklet provided with embedded tactile graphics. |
ASMT_BW | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Braille Writer (BW). |
ASMT_Closed_Caption_ELA | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that closed captioning and subtitling as a process of displaying text on a television, video screen, or other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information is required for the student. |
ASMT_Color_Contrast | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(3) | Defines as part of an Assessment Personal Needs Profile the access for preference to invert the foreground and background colors. |
ASMT_Dictionary | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | Student requires a published word-to-word hand-held dictionary. |
ASMT_Directions_Aloud | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(3) | The test administrator reads aloud, and repeats as needed, test directions in students’ native language. |
ASMT_Directions_Clarified | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that the test administrator clarifies general administration instructions only for English Learners. |
ASMT_EM | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Extended Time Over Multiple Days (EM). |
ASMT_Emergency_Accommodation | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(3) | Emergency accommodation for a student who incurs a temporary disabling condition that interferes with test performance shortly before or during the PARCC assessment window. |
ASMT_ES | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Extended Speaking Test Response Time (ES). |
ASMT_ET | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Extended Time Within School Day (ET). |
ASMT_Exclude_ELA | 16.12.3 | Number(1,0) | Exclude flag for the ELA record for PARCC and State Assessment reports. |
ASMT_Exclude_Math | 16.12.3 | Number(1,0) | Exclude flag for the Math record for PARCC and State Assessment reports. |
ASMT_Extended_Time | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(6) | An indication that extended Time is provided to the student. |
ASMT_Extended_Time_Math | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(6) | Used for PARCC and State Assessment Registration reports. |
ASMT_First_Enroll_In_US_School | 16.10.1 | Date | Indicates the first entry date into a U.S. school regardless of country of origin. |
ASMT_Frequent_Breaks | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a student is allowed to take breaks, at their request, during the testing session. |
ASMT_Human_Signer | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used for the PARCC and State Assessment reports to indicate if the student requires a Human Signer accommodation. |
ASMT_HumanReader_Signer | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(3) | Used to assign the Proctor Testing Tickets by assigning the session as a Read Aloud in PearsonAccess next. |
ASMT_IH | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Human Reader (IH). |
ASMT_LENGTH_IN_ELL | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Length Of Time In ELL Program. |
ASMT_LH | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Listening Test Human Reader (LH). |
ASMT_Math_Response | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(2) | An indication that a student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer. |
ASMT_Math_Response_EL | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(2) | Used for the PARCC and State Assessment reports to indicate if the student requires a Math Response EL accommodation. |
ASMT_MC | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Manual Control to Start Audio Play (MC). |
ASMT_Monitor_Response | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | The test administrator or assigned accommodator monitors the proper placement of student responses on a test book/answer sheet. The test examiner or assigned accommodator cannot assist the student in changing a response. |
ASMT_Non_Screen_Reader | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a Screen Reader Application is used to deliver online test forms for ELA/L and Math for blind testers. |
ASMT_NS | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Non-School Setting (NS). |
ASMT_RA | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Repeat Audio Item (RA). |
ASMT_RD | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Recording Device (RD). |
ASMT_Read_Aloud | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a student reads the assessment aloud to themselves and may use an external device such as a whisper phone. The student must be tested in a separate setting. |
ASMT_Refresh_Braille_ELA | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a student uses an external device which converts the text from the Screen Reader into Braille. |
ASMT_RI | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Repeat Test Items Human Reader (RI). |
ASMT_RL | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Listening Test Human Reader Repeat (RL). |
ASMT_Screen_Reader | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a Screen Reader Application is used to deliver online test forms for ELA/L and Math for blind testers. |
ASMT_SD | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Interpreter Signs Test Directions in ASL (SD). |
ASMT_Selected_Response_ELA | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(2) | A student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Selected Response or Technology Enhanced item types. |
ASMT_Small_Group | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a student is tested in a separate location with a small group of students with matching accessibility features or accommodations/testing needs as appropriate. Check individual state policies on the maximum number of students that allowed in a small testing group. |
ASMT_Special_Equip | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | The student is provided specialized equipment or furniture needed for a successful testing environment (e.g., low lighting; adaptive seat; etc.) Functional, Policy or Legal Description. |
ASMT_Specified_Area | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a student is tested in a specialized area or setting (For example, in front of the classroom; seat near the door, library observation room, etc.) |
ASMT_Text_To_Speech | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(3) | An indication that text is read aloud to the student by means of the embedded TestNav8 text-to-speech software. |
ASMT_Time_of_Day | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that a student is tested during a specific time of day based on their individual needs (e.g., ELA/l in the morning; no testing after lunch; etc.). |
ASMT_Unique_Accommodation | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An accommodation required for a student with a disability or an English Learner that is not listed in the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual but is identified in the student’s IEP, 504 plan or EL plan (if approved by the state). Unique accommodations must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to testing to allow adequate time for the state to determine a final decision. |
ASMT_WD | 16.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Word Processor (WD). |
ASMT_Word_Prediction | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | The student uses a word prediction external device that provides a bank of frequently -or recently -used words as a result of the student entering the first few letters of a word. |
Assessmt_MS_Accomm_Resp | | varchar2(2) | Math/Science Accommodated Response |
Biliterate_YN | | VarChar2(1) | The student's Biliterate value |
Block_Schedule_Session_ELA | 16.12.3 | VarChar2(1) | Block Schedule Override for the ELA record for PARCC and State Assessment reports. |
Block_Schedule_Session_Math | 16.12.3 | VarChar2(1) | Block Schedule Override for the Math record for PARCC and State Assessment reports. |
Calculation_Device_Math_Tools | 16.9.4 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the student uses a math calculation device for assessments. |
CARESActFunds | | Number(1,0) | CARES Act Funds |
charter_Assigned_School | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(50) | Migrated from: [Students]charter_Assigned_School |
charter_date | 17.3.0 | Date | Migrated from: [Students]charter_date |
charter_School_Loc | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(50) | Migrated from: [Students]charter_School_Loc |
charter_School_Name | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(50) | Migrated from: [Students]charter_School_Name |
CityOfBirth | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(50) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CityOfBirth |
Counseling_Services_YN | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(1) | Counseling Services Flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Students.TI_serv_counseling]. |
CountryOfBirth | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CountryOfBirth |
CountyCodeAttending | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CountyCodeAttending |
CountyCodeReceiving | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CountyCodeReceiving |
CountyCodeResident | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CountyCodeResident |
CTECollegeCredits | 17.3.0 | Number(11,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CTECollegeCredits |
CTEPostSecondaryInstitution | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CTEPostSecondaryInstitution |
CTEProgramOfStudy_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CTEProgramOfStudy |
CTEProgramStatus | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CTEProgramStatus |
CTESingleParentStatus_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CTESingleParentStatus |
CTETestSkillAssesment | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CTETestSkillAssesment |
CumDaysInMembershipAddTo_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CumDaysInMembershipAddTo |
CumDaysPresentAddTo_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CumDaysPresentAddTo |
CumDaysTowardTruancyAddTo_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CumDaysTowardTruancyAddTo |
CumulativeDaysInMembership | 17.3.0 | Number(25,10) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CumulativeDaysInMembership |
CumulativeDaysPresent | 17.3.0 | Number(25,10) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CumulativeDaysPresent |
CumulativeDaysTowardTruancy | 17.3.0 | Number(25,10) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_CumulativeDaysTowardTruancy |
DateLastLeadTest | 17.3.0 | Date | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_DateLastLeadTest |
DateLastMedExam | 17.3.0 | Date | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_DateLastMedExam |
DateOfPolioImmun | 17.3.0 | Date | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_DateOfPolioImmun |
Determined_Ineligible_YN | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(1) | Determined Ineligible Flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_Ineligible]. |
DeviceOwner | | Number(1,0) | Student Device Owner |
DeviceType | | Number(1,0) | Student Device Type |
District_StudentID | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(10) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_District_StudentID |
DistrictCodeAttending | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_DistrictCodeAttending |
DistrictCodeReceiving | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_DistrictCodeReceiving |
DistrictCodeResident | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_DistrictCodeResident |
DistrictTimeLess1Year_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_DistrictTimeLess1Year |
Early_Intervention_YN | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(1) | Early Intervention Flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_EarlyIntervention]. |
EighthTechLit | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_EighthTechLit |
Eligibility_Determ_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | Eligibility Determination Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_EligibilityDDate]. |
EOC_Title1Biology_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_EOC_Title1Biology |
Examiner_SMID | 14.11.1 | VarChar2(8) | ID of test examiner. |
ExaminerSMID1 | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(8) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ExaminerSMID1 |
ExaminerSMID2 | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(8) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ExaminerSMID2 |
ExaminerSMID3 | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(8) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ExaminerSMID3 |
ExaminerSMID4 | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(8) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ExaminerSMID4 |
ExaminerSMID5 | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(8) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ExaminerSMID5 |
Family_Care_Release_YN | 18.12.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the student has given permission to release health information to NJ Family Care. |
FirstEntryDateIntoAUSSchool | 17.3.0 | Date | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_FirstEntryDateIntoAUSSchool |
Former_IEP | 17.9.0 | VarChar2(2) | Used to store Former IEP values |
GenerationCodeSuffix | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_GenerationCodeSuffix |
Gifted_And_Talented | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that the student is participating in and served by a Gifted/Talented program. |
GradeLevelCode | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_GradeLevelCode |
Graduation_Pathway_ELA | 17.8.0 | VarChar2(2) | Used for NJ SMART SID Management Extract |
Graduation_Pathway_Math | 17.8.0 | VarChar2(2) | Used for NJ SMART SID Management Extract |
HealthInsProvider | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(50) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_HealthInsProvider |
HealthInsStatus_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_HealthInsStatus |
Home_Language | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Home_Language |
Home_Language_Name | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(50) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Home_Language_Name |
HomelessPrimaryNighttimeRes | 17.3.0 | Number(11,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_HomelessPrimaryNighttimeRes |
IEP_Begin_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | IEP Begin Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_IEPBeginDate]. |
IEP_End_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | IEP End Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_IEPEndDate]. |
IEP_ExemptPassingBiology_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IEP_ExemptPassingBiology |
IEP_ExemptPassingLAL_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IEP_ExemptPassingLAL |
IEP_ExemptPassingMath_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IEP_ExemptPassingMath |
IEP_ExemptTakingBiology_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IEP_ExemptTakingBiology |
IEP_ExemptTakingLAL_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IEP_ExemptTakingLAL |
IEP_ExemptTakingMath_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IEP_ExemptTakingMath |
IEP_Level | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(2) | IEP Level. Migrated from [Students.NJ_IEP_Level]. |
ImmigrantStatus_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ImmigrantStatus |
IncludeInASSAReport_TF | 18.12.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student is included in the assessment. 1 = True (Yes) and 0 = False (No). |
IncludeInCTEReport_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IncludeInCTEReport |
IncludeInNJSMART_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IncludeInNJSMART |
IncludeInStuCourse_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_IncludeInStuCourse |
InDistrictPlacement | | VarChar2(6) | This field stores the In district placement type to indicate the reason for the placement when a student is attending a non-resident school within their resident district. |
Initial_IEP_Meeting_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | Initial IEP Meeting Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_InitialIEPMeetingDate]. |
Initial_Process_Delay_Reason | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Initial Process Delay Reason. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_DelayReason]. |
InternetConnectivity | | Number(1,0) | Student Internet Connectivity |
LeadLevel | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(30) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_LeadLevel |
LearningEnvironment | | Number(1,0) | Student Learning Environment |
LEP_Completion_Date_Refused | 15.8.2 | Number(1,0) | Date of the LEP completion refusal. |
LEP_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]LEP |
LEPBeginDate | 17.3.0 | Date | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_LEPBeginDate |
LEPEndDate | 17.3.0 | Date | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_LEPEndDate |
LIEP_Classification | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(3) | Used to report the LIEP Classification Indicator for a student on the Access For ELLs Report. |
LIEP_Data | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(9) | Used to report the LIEP Optional Data field for a student on the Access For ELLs Report. |
LIEP_Refusal | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used to report the LIEP Parent Refusal Indicator for a student on the Access For ELLs Report. |
LIEP_Type | | Varchar2(1) | The language instruction educational program. |
Math_State_Assessment_Name | 16.10.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates which type of assessment the student will participate in. |
Migrant_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Migrant |
Military_Connected_Indicator | 15.8.2 | Number(11,0) | An indicator if the student is Military connected. |
NonPublic | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(4) | Non Public. Migrated from [Students.NJ_NonPublic]. |
Occupational_Therapy_Serv_YN | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(1) | Occupational Therapy Services Flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Students.TI_serv_Occup]. |
Other_Related_Services_YN | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(1) | Other Related Services Flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Students.TI_serv_Other]. |
PARCC_Braille_Paper | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates whether a student needs a hard copy braille test booklet provided with embedded tactile graphics. |
PARCC_Class_Name_Override_ELA | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(45) | Override for class name for ELA. |
PARCC_Class_Name_Override_Math | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(45) | Override for class name for Math. |
PARCC_Constructed_Response_ELA | 15.11.0 | VarChar2(2) | An indication that a student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Constructed Response item types. |
PARCC_ELA_Test_Code | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(6) | The code corresponding to the ELA test the student is taking. |
PARCC_ELL_Paper_Accom | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(1) | Indication of whether English Language Learner accommodations are needed for a given assessment. This applies only to paper administration. |
PARCC_Examiner_SMID_ELA | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(8) | The unique identifier of the person overseeing the ELA assessment session in the setting (test administrator). |
PARCC_Examiner_SMID_Math | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(8) | The unique identifier of the person overseeing the Math assessment session in the setting (test administrator). |
PARCC_Exempt_From_Passing | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(1) | Students who do not participate in the general assessment (PARCC). |
PARCC_IEP_Paper_Accom | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(1) | Indication of whether the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) accommodations are needed for a given assessment. |
PARCC_Large_Print_Paper | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates whether a student needs a large print test booklet, which is provided with text increased 150% to an 18 point font. |
PARCC_Math_Test_Code | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(5) | The code corresponding to the Math test the student is taking. |
PARCC_Math_Tools | 15.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | An indication that the student is allowed to use a calculator as an accommodation, including for items in test sections designated as non-calculator sections. |
PARCC_Reader_Signer_For_Paper | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the paper test is read aloud or signed to the student by the test administrator. This applies only to paper administration. |
PARCC_Retest | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates if the student is retaking the English Language Arts (ELA) and/or Math test. |
PARCC_Sec504_Paper_Accom | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(1) | Indication of whether 504 accommodations are needed for a given assessment. This applies only to paper administration. |
PARCC_Session_Location_ELA | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(50) | The description of the room within the building where the ELA assessment is administered. |
PARCC_Session_Location_Math | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(50) | The description of the room within the building where the Math assessment is administered. |
PARCC_Staff_SMID_Override_ELA | 15.1.0 | VarChar2(8) | Override for ELA staff SMID. |
PARCC_Staff_SMID_Override_Math | 15.1.0 | VarChar2(8) | Override for Math staff SMID. |
PARCC_Student_Identifier | 15.1.0 | VarChar2(36) | Unique PARCC Student Identifier that will move intra-state if a student moves district to district or school to school. Any state to state moves a new PARCC Student Identifier will be assigned with the option to link student performance inter-state. |
PARCC_Test_Format | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(1) | Identifies the format the student will be using to take the test. |
PARCC_Testing_Site_County | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(2) | The county code of the student’s State Assessment Testing Site. |
PARCC_Testing_Site_District | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(4) | The district code of the student’s State Assessment Testing Site. |
PARCC_Testing_Site_School | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(3) | The school code of the student’s State Assessment Testing Site. |
PARCC_Text_To_Speech | 16.12.3 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates Test To Speech accommodation for the ELA record for PARCC and State Assessment reports. |
PARCC_Text_To_Speech_Math | 16.12.3 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates Test To Speech accommodation for the Math record for PARCC and State Assessment reports. |
PARCC_Translation_Math_Paper | 14.12.2 | VarChar2(3) | Used to assign the form administered for paper testing based on another language other than English. This applies only to paper administration. |
Parent_Consent_Intial_IEP_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | Parental Consent To Implement Initial IEP Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_ConsentToImplementDate]. |
Parent_Consent_Obtain_Code | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Parent Consent Obtain Code. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_ParentalConsentObtained]. |
Parental_Consent_Eval_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | Parental Consent to Evaluate Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_ParentalConsentDate]. |
Physical_Therapy_Services_YN | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(1) | Physical Therapy Services Flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Students.TI_serv_Physical]. |
PID_504_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_504 |
PID_Accommodations_A_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Accom_A |
PID_Accommodations_B_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Accom_B |
PID_Accommodations_C_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Accom_C |
PID_Accommodations_D_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Accom_D |
PID_APALangArtsLiteracy_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_APALAL |
PID_APAMath_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_APAMath |
PID_APAScience_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_APAScience |
PID_APATestingCDS | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(9) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_APATestingCDS |
PID_AudioAmplification | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_AA |
PID_BrailleTest_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_BR |
PID_Classroom | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Classroom |
PID_ComputerAssisted | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_CA |
PID_ContentAreaTutoring_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_CAT |
PID_ContentBasedESL_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_CBE |
PID_DevelopBilingual_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_DBE |
PID_HeritageLanguage_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_HLA |
PID_InclusionarySupport_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_IS |
PID_LargePrint_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_LP |
PID_LEPExemptLAL_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_LEPExemptLAL |
PID_LowVisionAids | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_LV |
PID_MadeTape_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_MT |
PID_ModifiedTestDirections | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_TD |
PID_NativeLang | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_NativeLang |
PID_NoAdditionalServices_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_NAS |
PID_NotApplicable_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_NA |
PID_OtherApproved | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_OA |
PID_OutofDistPlacement_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_ODP |
PID_OutResidencePlacement_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_ORP |
PID_ParentalRefusal_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_PR |
PID_PresentationFormat | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_PF |
PID_PullOut_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_PO |
PID_PullOutESL_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_POE |
PID_ScribedResponse_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_SB |
PID_SelfContained_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_SC |
PID_SendingCDS | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(9) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_SendingCDS |
PID_SettingFormat | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_SF |
PID_ShelteredEngInstruct_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_SEI |
PID_ShortSegmentTestAdmin_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_SS |
PID_StructEngImmersion_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_SEN |
PID_SupplementalEduServ | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_SESValue |
PID_TestFormat | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_TestFormat |
PID_TimeInLep2 | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_TimeInLep2 |
PID_TimingScheduling | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_TS |
PID_Title1LangArtsLit_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Title1LAL |
PID_Title1Math_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Title1Math |
PID_Title1Science_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Title1Science |
PID_Title3Status | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_Title3Status |
PID_TransBilingual_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_TBI |
PID_TwoWayImmersion_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PID_TWI |
PrimaryCIPCode | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(6) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PrimaryCIPCode |
ProgramTypeCode | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_PTC_Code |
Reevaluation_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | Reevaluation Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_ReevaluationDate]. |
Referral_Date | 16.10.1 | Date | Referral Date. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_ReferralDate]. |
RemoteDaysMembersh | | Number(25,10) | Remote Days Membership Override |
RemoteDaysPresent | | Number(25,10) | Remote Days Present Override |
RemoteLearningHelpLine_YN | | varchar2(1) | SPE Remote Learning HelpLine |
ResidentMunicipalCode | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(4) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_ResidentMunicipalCode |
Retained_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_Retained |
School_Disabled | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]priv_sch_dis |
SchoolCodeAttending | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_SchoolCodeAttending |
SchoolCodeReceiving | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_SchoolCodeReceiving |
SchoolCodeResident | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_SchoolCodeResident |
SchoolTimeLess1Year_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_SchoolTimeLess1Year |
Secondary_Disability | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(3) | Used to report the Secondary Disability for a student on the Access For ELLs Report. |
Shared_Time_Code | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]shared_time |
SLA_Accountable_Site_County | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | The code of the county responsible for specific educational services and/or instruction of the student. |
SLA_Accountable_Site_District | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(4) | The code of the district responsible for specific educational services and/or instruction of the student. |
SLA_Accountable_Site_School | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(3) | the code of the school responsible for specific educational services and/or instruction of the student. |
SLA_Alt_Rep_Paper | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student used pencil and paper during the assessment. |
SLA_Alternate_Location | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates an alternate location in which the student took the assessment. |
SLA_Answer_Masking | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student used answer masking during the assessment. |
SLA_Answers_Recorded_Paper | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student records answers directly in the test booklet during the assessment. |
SLA_ASL_Video | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires a video of a human signing in American Sign Language during the assessment. |
SLA_Braille_Response | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student is blind or visually impaired and requires a Braille Writer or Braille Notetaker during the assessment. |
SLA_Braille_Tactile_Paper | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student requires a Braille test booklet with embedded tactile graphics during the assessment. |
SLA_Class_Name_Override | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(50) | Used to report the Class Name Override value for a student on the NJSLA-S Report. |
SLA_Closed_Caption | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires closed captioning during the assessment. |
SLA_Color_Contrast | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student uses color contrast (inversion of foreground and background colors) during the assessment. |
SLA_Constructed_Response | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student's test response is captured by an external device or human during the assessment. |
SLA_Dictionary | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires a published word-to-word hand-held dictionary during the assessment. |
SLA_Directions_Aloud | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(3) | Indicates that the test administrator reads test directions aloud in the student's native language and repeats and clarifies the instructions as needed during the assessment. |
SLA_Directions_Clarified | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | This indicates that the test administrator clarifies general administration instructions for the student during the assessment. |
SLA_Emergency_Accommodation | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student incurred a temporary disabling condition that interfered with test performance, shortly before or during the assessment window. |
SLA_Examiner_SMID | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(8) | The assessment test examiner's ID number. |
SLA_Exclude_TF | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student is excluded from the assessment. |
SLA_Extended_Time | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(6) | Indicates whether the student is provided extra time to finish the assessment. |
SLA_Frequent_Breaks | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether a student is allowed to take breaks, at his/ her request, during the assessment testing session. |
SLA_Human_Signer | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires a human signer to sign the test directions during the assessment. |
SLA_HumanReader_Signer | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student requires a human reader or signer during the assessment. |
SLA_Large_Print_Paper | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires a large print test booklet during the assessment. |
SLA_Monitor_Response | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the test administrator or assigned accommodator monitors the proper placement of the student's responses on a test booklet/answer document or within a computer-based test during the assessment. |
SLA_Non_Screen_Reader | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires an assistive technology that is not a screen reader during the assessment. |
SLA_Read_Aloud | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student reads the assessment aloud to him/herself or uses an external device during the assessment. |
SLA_Refresh_Braille | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires an external device that converts the text from the screen reader into Braille during the assessment. |
SLA_Retest | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used to report the Retest Indicator for a student on the NJSLA-S Report. |
SLA_Science_Response_EL | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student's response is captured by an external speech-to-text device or human scribe during the assessment. |
SLA_Screen_Reader | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires a screen reader during the assessment. |
SLA_Selected_Response | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student's response is captured for a selected response or technology-enhanced item types, by an external device or human during the assessment. |
SLA_Session_Loc_Override | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(50) | Used to report the Assessment Session Location Override value for a student on the NJSLA-S Report. |
SLA_Small_Group | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student took the assessment in a separate location with a small group of students with matching accessibility features or accommodations/testing needs. |
SLA_Spanish_Trans | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(3) | Indicates whether the student requires a Spanish translation adaption during the assessment. |
SLA_Special_Equip | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student is provided with specialized equipment or furniture while taking the assessment. |
SLA_Specified_Area | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student took the assessment in a specialized area or setting. |
SLA_StaffOverride_SMID | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(8) | If a staff member is assigned as an examiner for the assessment, indicates the staff member's examiner ID. |
SLA_Test_Code | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(4) | Used to report the Test Code Indicator for a student on the NJSLA-S Report. |
SLA_Test_Format | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used to report the Test Format Indicator for a student on the NJSLA-S Report. |
SLA_Testing_Site_County | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(2) | Used to report the CDS Testing Site County Code for a student on the NJSLA-S Report. |
SLA_Testing_Site_District | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(4) | Used to report the CDS Testing Site District Code for a student on the NJSLA-S Report. |
SLA_Testing_Site_School | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(3) | Used to report the CDS Testing Site School Code for a student on the NJSLA-S Report. |
SLA_Text_To_Speech | 17.12.1 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates whether the student requires that text be translated to speech during the assessment. |
SLA_Time_of_Day | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student took the assessment during a specific time of day, based on his/her individual needs. |
SLA_Unique_Accommodation | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires an accommodation during the assessment that is not listed in the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual, but is identified in the student's state-approved IEP, 504 plan or EL plan. |
SLA_Word_Prediction | 17.12.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether the student requires a word prediction external device during the assessment, which provides a bank of frequently or recently used words when the student enters the first few letters of a word. |
SPEAssessmentParticipant_YN | | varchar2(1) | SPE Participation In Assessments |
SPEAssignmentSubmissions_YN | | varchar2(1) | SPE Submission Of Assignments |
Special_Education_Placement | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(3) | Special Education Placement. Migrated from [Students.NJ_SE_Placement]. |
Special_Status | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]special_status |
SpecialEd_Classification | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(5) | Special Education Classification. Migrated from [Students.Special_Education]. |
SPECoachingOrCheckIn_YN | | varchar2(1) | SPE Coaching Or CheckIn |
SPEDTier | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]tier |
Speech_Lang_Theapy_Services_YN | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(1) | Speech Language Therapy Services Flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Students.TI_serv_Speech]. |
SPEElectronicComm_YN | | varchar2(1) | SPE Electronic Communication |
SPEOnlineLearning_YN | | varchar2(1) | SPE Online Learning Platforms |
SPEOther_YN | | varchar2(1) | SPE Other |
SPESyncHOnlineClass_YN | | varchar2(1) | SPE Synchronous Online Class |
State_Assessment_Name | 16.9.4 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates which type of assessment the student will participate in. |
State_ELL_Status | 16.9.4 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates the student's NJ ELL Status. |
State_LEP_Status | 15.1.0 | VarChar2(3) | An indication that a limited English proficient (LEP) student is served by an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA funds. |
StateOfBirth | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(2) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_StateOfBirth |
Student_Type | 17.12.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used to report the Student Type Indicator for a student on the Access For ELLs Report. |
SupplementalEduServ | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(3) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_SES |
Time_In_Regular_Program | 16.10.1 | VarChar2(4) | Time in Regular Program. Migrated from [Students.NJ_TimeInRegularProgram]. |
title1_status_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]title1_status |
TitleILanguage_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_TitleILanguage |
TitleIMath_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_TitleIMath |
TitleIScience_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]NJ_TitleIScience |
TIV_serv_Aide_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]TIV_serv_Aide |
TIV_serv_Assist_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]TIV_serv_Assist |
TIV_serv_ExtYear_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]TIV_serv_ExtYear |
TIV_serv_ind_instr_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]TIV_serv_ind_instr |
TIV_serv_IndNursing_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]TIV_serv_IndNursing |
TIV_serv_Intensive_TF | 17.3.0 | Number(1,0) | Migrated from: [Students]TIV_serv_Intensive |
Tuition_Code | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [Students]tuition_code |
WorldLang_Assessed1 | | VarChar2(3) | Indicates the World Languages Assessed 1 |
WorldLang_Assessed2 | | VarChar2(3) | Indicates the World Languages Assessed 2 |
WorldLang_Assessed3 | | VarChar2(3) | Indicates the World Languages Assessed 3 |
WorldLang_Assessed4 | | VarChar2(3) | Indicates the World Languages Assessed 4 |
WorldLang_Assessed5 | | VarChar2(3) | Indicates the World Languages Assessed 5 |
WorldLang_Assessment1 | | VarChar2(10) | Indicates the World Language Assessment 1 |
WorldLang_Assessment2 | | VarChar2(10) | Indicates the World Language Assessment 2 |
WorldLang_Assessment3 | | VarChar2(10) | Indicates the World Language Assessment 3 |
WorldLang_Assessment4 | | VarChar2(10) | Indicates the World Language Assessment 4 |
WorldLang_Assessment5 | | VarChar2(10) | Indicates the World Language Assessment 5 |
FirstHSMathAssessment_YN | | VarChar2(1) | First High School Math Assessment |
SpeechToTextWordPrediction | | VarChar2(1) | Speech to Text and Word Prediction |
StudentsLearningModel | | VarChar2(1) | Students Learning Model |
BirthPlace_Refusal | | VarChar2(1) | A New field to allow admins to indicate that the parent/guardian refuses to provide birthplace information. |
RemotePercentageOfDay | | Number(3,0) | New field for user to save Percentage of Day for Remote Learning. |
FederalHSMathTestingReq | | VarChar2(1) | Federal HS Math Testing Requirement |
IEPGradCourseRequirement | | VarChar2(1) | IEP Graduation Course Requirement |
IEPGraduationAttendance | | VarChar2(1) | IEP Graduation Course Attendance |
LIEP_LanguageOfInstruction | | VarChar2(3) | LIEP Language of Instruction |
RemoteDaysAbsent | | Number(25,10) | Remote Days Absent |
DaysOpen | | Number(3,0) | Days Open |
CumulativeDaysAbsent | | Number(25,10) | Cumulative Days Absent |
CumulativeStateAbs | | Number(3,0) | Cumulative State Absent |
ReportedSharedVoc_YN | | VarChar2(1) | Reported Shared Voc (Override) |
Science_Test_Name | | VarChar2(1) | Science Test Name |
DeafHardOfHearing_YN | SR_22.3.2.0 | VarChar2(1) | Deaf/Hard Of Hearing |
LanguageAcquisition | SR_22.3.2.0 | Number(3,0) | Language Acquisition |
CollegeCreditsEarned | SR_22.4.2.0 | Number(3,0) | College Credits Earned - CTE |
CTEWorkBasedLearning | SR_22.4.2.0 | Number(3,0) | CTE Workbased Learning |