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New Jersey Start of Year Checklist

Use the following checklist to track your progress through the Start of Year tasks for New Jersey State Reporting. Review the PowerSchool Start of Year Guide for additional updates. 

District Setup

  • Review entry, exit, and ethnicity codes
  • Review and update school information
  • Update the default term level
  • Update course information
  • Update Period Mapping
  • Review and update Grade Setup 
  • Update Industry Valued Credentials

School Setup

  • Review Years & Terms
  • Review Periods and Cycle Days
  • Review Sections
  • Review Bell Schedule
  • Complete Calendar Setup
  • Review Attendance Codes, Categories, and Conversions
  • Review Full-time Equivalencies

Staff Setup

  • Review staff member demographic information

Student Setup

  • Review student demographic information
  • Review school enrollment
  • Pre-Register students
  • Apply credit for advanced courses
  • Review Inclusion/Exclusion from State Reporting
  • State Reporting Specific Fields
    • NJS SID: SSID, Immigrant Status, Race, Enrollment Information, Program Information(LEP Information, ELA Graduation Pathway Indicator, Math Graduation Pathway Indicator), Attendance Information
    • NJS Student: Student Information, Program Information, Health Information, Homeless Status, Alternative Education Information, Title I Information, Cumulative Days in Membership, Cumulative Days Present, Cumulative Days Towards Truancy
    • NJS SpEd: IEP Dates, Program Codes, Placement Information, Services Information
    • NJS CTE: CIP Code, Program Status, Course Override Fields, Attendance Information for Shared Time Students
    • Industry Credentials: Enrollment History
    • PreID ASK/ACCESS: Program Information(Section 504 Information), State Assessment Information(District, County and School Codes), Examiner Information
    • ESSA - Title I Status 
    • ASSA - Special Status Information
    • Register Reports - Charter School Information 
    • PreID NJBCT - Special Services Information (Title I, LEP), Accommodations, Modifications, Exemptions and CDS 
    • PreID HSPA - Special Services Information (Title I, LEP), Accommodations, Modifications, Exemptions and CDS 
    • PreID Alg
    • PARCC - PARCC Retest, Codes , Location Information, Examiner Information, Test Overrides, Accommodations

Incident Management Setup

Incident types, codes, and subcodes are set up at the district level. The values can be loaded automatically using a one-time New Jersey configuration file. This configuration file can be accessed via Start Page > District Setup > District Information.  Incident types, codes, and subcodes can also be set up and edited manually via Start Page > District Setup > Incident Management.

For additional information on the setup, rules, and steps to correctly create an incident for State Reporting, see Incident Management

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