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Enhanced User Interface


PowerSchool launched the PowerSchool SIS Enhanced User Interface features in version! This feature greatly simplifies the navigation and use of the PowerSchool SIS administrator portal. This is enabled using Security Groups or User Access Roles.

Refer to the Enhanced User Interface for more information.

New Jersey State-specific Navigation on Enhanced User Interface

Classic Page Name

Classic Location

Enhanced User Interface Page Name

Enhanced User Interface Location



Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, General

General State Data

Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, General State Data


Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, NJS SID

NJSMART Student Information (SID)

Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, NJSMART Student Information (SID)


Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, NJS SpED


Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, NJSMART SPED


Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, ESSA


Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, ESSA


Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, ASSA


Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, ASSA

Register Reports

Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, Register Reports

NJ Register Reports

Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, NJ Register Reports


Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, Obsolete


Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, Obsolete

Special Programs-DLM

Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey DLM Accommodations, Special Programs-DLM

Special Programs-DLM

Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, Special Programs-DLM

Reports Menu Link

Start Page, Reports, Reports (State Reports)

Reports Menu Link

Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, Reports Menu Link


Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, NJS CTE


Select Student, Compliance, Post-Secondary Plans, NJS CTE

Industry Credentials

Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, Industry Credentials

Industry Credentials

Select Student, Compliance, Post-Secondary Plans, Industry Credentials

Access for ELLs

Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, Access for ELLs

Access for ELLs

Select Student, Compliance, Assessment Registration, Access for ELLs


Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, NJSLA


Select Student, Compliance, Assessment Registration, NJSLA


Start Page, Student Selection, New Jersey State Information, SLA-S


Select Student, Compliance, Assessment Registration, NJSLA-S


Start Page, Student Selection, NJ State Information, CRDC

Civil Rights Data Collection

Select Student, Compliance, Student Details, Civil Rights Data Collection



Start Page, Staff, Select A Staff Member, State Province - NJ, General


Select Staff, Compliance, Staff Details, General


Start Page, Staff, Select A Staff Member, State Province - NJ, NJS SMID


Select Staff, Compliance, Staff Details, NJS SMID

NJS Staff Submission Obsolete

Start Page, Staff, Select A Staff Member, State Province - NJ, NJS Staff Submission Obsolete

NJS Staff Submission Obsolete Fields

Select Staff, Compliance, Staff Details, NJS Staff Submission Obsolete Fields

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Start Page, Staff, Select A Staff Member, Information

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Select Staff, Compliance, Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Course / Section 

View Course Information By Year

District, Courses, View Course Information By Year

View Course Information By Year

Start Page, District, Courses and Programs, Courses

Assign Credentials

District, Courses, Assign Credentials 

Assign Credentials

Start Page, District, Courses and Programs, Courses

Assign Credentials

District, Courses, Assign Credentials 

Assign Credentials

Start Page, District, Courses and Programs, Courses


Incident Management Code Mapping

Start Page, District Setup, District Information, Incident Management Mapping Setup

Incident Management Code Mapping

District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Preferences, Incident Management Mapping Setup

Load Codes/ Subcodes

Start Page, District Setup, District Information, NJ Discipline Code and Subcode Load

Load Codes/ Subcodes

District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Preferences, Load Codes/ Subcodes


Start Page, District Setup, School/School Info, CRDC


District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Preferences, CRDC

Final Grade Mapping

Start Page, District Setup, Final Grade Mapping

Final Grade Mapping

District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Preferences, Final Grade Mapping

Grade Scale Mapping

Start Page, District Setup, Grade Scale Mapping

Grade Scale Mapping

District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Preferences,  Grade Scale Mapping

Teacher Role Mapping

Start Page, District Setup, Teacher Role Mapping

Teacher Role Mapping

District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Preferences, Teacher Role Mapping

State Code Management

Start Page, District Setup, State Code Management

State Code Management

District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Preferences, State Code Management

Industry Valued Credentials

Start Page, District Setup, Industry Valued Credentials

Industry Valued Credentials

District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Preferences, Industry Valued Credentials

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Start Page, District, Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Civil Rights Data Collection

District Management, Compliance, CRDC, Civil Rights Data Collection


System, [state specific link]

System Management, Category,  [state specific link]

Special Functions

NJ Expulsion Suspension Letters - Setup

Start Page, Special Functions, NJ Expulsion Suspension Letters - Setup

Expulsion & Suspension Letters Setup - NJ

People, Students, Student Reports, Expulsion & Suspension Letters Setup - NJ

Mass copy SLA Accommodations

Start Page, Special Functions, Mass copy SLA accommodations

Mass Copy SLA Accommodations - NJ

People, Students, Student Administration, Mass Copy SLA Accommodations - NJ

Archive Sped Records

Start Page, Special Functions, Archive Sped Records

Archive SPED Records - NJ

People, Students, Student Administration, Archive SPED Records - NJ

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