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District Setup


The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.

  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.

  3. Click District. The District Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on code values see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Entering District Course Information

Courses > Edit Course District Information

Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

Course Number

Enter the course number.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

Alternate Course Number

Enter the alternate course number.





Enter the course department.




New Jersey State Report Information

College Credit Hours

This field stores the aggregate of college credit hours related to a course. The data must be entered in the decimal format, such as 1.0, 1.5, or 2.5.



Advanced Placement Course Subject

Choose the subject category for this course from the drop-down list if this is an advanced placement course. For more information, refer to Advanced Placement Course.



School Report Card – Advanced Placement

Block Schedule Session

Select Fall or Spring from the pop-up menu to indicate that the course is block scheduled.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

State Assessment Registration

NJ SLA (NJ Student Learning Assessment) Report

County Code Override

Enter a county code override if needed.

Note: If blank, the county number from the Section page will be used.



NJ Smart CTE Extract

District Code Override

Enter a district code override if needed.

Note: If blank, the district number from the District Info page will be used.



NJ Smart CTE Extract

School Code Override

Enter a school code override if needed.

Note: If blank, the school number/alternate school number from the Section page will be used.



NJ Smart CTE Extract

Include in SLA-S Assessment

If this course should be included in the NJ Student Learning Assessment - Science (NJ SLA-S) report, select this checkbox.




Course Submission Information

CTE Test Developer

Choose the type of skills assessment this student will take at the end of the program from the pop-up menu.

Refer to the Appendix for a list of valid codes.



NJ Smart CTE Extract

CTE Test Name

Choose the test assessment this student will take at the end of the CTE program from the pop-up menu.

Refer to the Appendix for a list of valid codes.



NJ Smart CTE Extract

CTE Program of Study College Credits

Enter the number of cumulative college credits a CTE student in a Program of Study will receive for the academic year as part of the CTE recognized articulation agreement.



NJ Smart CTE Extract

Exclude from Course Submission

Select Yes (1) to exclude this course from the Course Roster reports.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

NCES Subject Area

Select the appropriate two-digit NCES Subject Area Code from the pop-up menu.

Codes 1-22 are Secondary Subject Areas.

Codes 51-73 are Prior-to-Secondary Subject Areas.

Note: Used for Course Submission. Secondary Subject Areas are 01-24; Prior-to-Secondary Subject Areas are 51-73.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

NCES Course Identifier

Select the appropriate Course Identifier from the pop-up menu.

The pop-up menu is populated with allowable NCES Course Identifiers based upon the Subject Area selected.

Note: Used for CRDC and Course Submission.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

NCES Course Level

Select the one-digit NCES SCED Course Level from the pop-up menu.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

Grade Span

Select the intended grade span for a prior-to-secondary course from the pop-up menu.


  • PKPK – the course is intended for grade PK only.

  • 0103 – the course is intended for grades 01 through 03.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

Course Sequence

Select the sequence of a course in relation to a multi-part course from the pop-up menu.

For example, 11 denotes sequence 1 of 1; 12 denotes sequence 1 of 2.



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

Course Type

Select the type of instructional environment in which a course/section is occurring.

If you select Course Type C, College level dual enrollment/dual credit course taught by staff assigned or assigned to your district, a new field Dual Institution will be displayed.

Refer to the Appendix for a list of valid codes.



Student Course Roster

Dual Institution

Enter the Dual Institution code.

The Dual Institution field (and CourseType of C) should only be used if there is an existing articulation
agreement between the high school and a college or university. If a student’s CourseType is C then Dual Institution cannot be left blank.



Student Course Roster

Assigning a Credential for the Course

Courses > Edit Course District Information

Courses > View Master Course List > Edit [selected course]

To assign a credential:

  1. Click Assign Credential. A search field appears.

  2. Use the search field to find the valid credential name and code.

  3. Select code and click Assign.

Note: Only Active credentials can be assigned to courses.


The NJ SMART code.






The corresponding career.




Credential Name

The name of the credential.




Issuing Agency

The agency which issues the credential.





Indicates whether or not the credential is active.





Click to remove credential.




Entering District Information

District Info

Name of District

Enter the district name.





District Number

Enter the district number.





Editing Districts of Residence

Districts of Residence > [New/Edit] District of Residence

District ID

Enter the district ID.




NJ School Enrollment Record

NJ ADA/ADM by Student

NJ Fall Survey

NJ ESSA Subgroups

NJ ASSA Reports

NJ ASSA Extracts

Student Course Roster

District Name

Enter the district name.




NJ School Enrollment Record

NJ ADA/ADM by Student

NJ Fall Survey

NJ ESSA Subgroups

NJ ASSA Reports

NJ ASSA Extracts

Configuring Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

IMPORTANT: Review additional information about setting up the federal ethnicity and race for New Jersey.

Define federal ethnicity and race settings. Use these settings to define the sequence in which the federal race categories and race codes appear on the Demographics page (Student Selection > Demographics > General Demographics.

Ethnicity Decline to Specify

Do not select the checkbox; this option is not allowed for New Jersey.



Race Decline to Specify

Do not select the checkbox; this option is not allowed for New Jersey.



Federal Race Categories: Sort

Note: Review additional information about setting up the federal ethnicity and race for New Jersey.

In the Sort field, enter the order to display the federal race codes on the students’ Demographics page.

Click New to enter the Category Code and Description for each Federal race category.



District Race Codes: Sort

Note: Review additional information about setting up the federal ethnicity and race for New Jersey.

In the Sort field, enter the order to display the federal race codes on the students’ Demographics page.

Click New to enter the Race Code and Description for each race category used in your district. You must also cross-reference the Race Codes to their equivalent Federal Category.



Entering Federal Race Categories

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > [New/Edit] Federal Race Category


Note: Review additional information about setting up the federal ethnicity and race for New Jersey.

Enter the federal race category code.





Enter the federal race category description.




Sort Order

When you click Submit, the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings page appears. Enter a sort order for the federal race category.



Entering District Race Codes

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > [New/Edit] District Race Code


Note: Review additional information about setting up the federal ethnicity and race for New Jersey.

Enter the district race code.





Enter the district race description.




Federal Category

Choose the associated federal race category from the pop-up menu.




Alt Race Code

Enter an alternate, equivalent race code.

Note: This field can be used for SIF.




Setting up Log Entry Fields

Log Entry Setup > Edit Log Entry Field

Data for Popup or Radio Buttons

Enter the data for pop-up or radio buttons.



Editing Log Types

Log Types > Edit Log Type

Log Type

Enter the log type.



Log Code

Enter the subtype code.





Enter the subtype description.




Entering Ethnicity Codes

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > [New/Edit] Ethnicity Code


Enter the ethnicity code.

Refer to the Appendix for a list of valid codes.




NJ Fall Survey

NJ ESSA Subgroups


Enter the ethnicity description.




NJ Fall Survey

NJ ESSA Subgroups

SIF Ethnicity Code

Enter the SIF ethnicity code.




Not Required

Defining District Schools

Schools/School Info > Edit School

School Name

Enter the school name.




School Abbreviation

Enter the school abbreviation.



NJ ASSA Extracts

School Address

Enter the school address.




School City

Enter the school city.




School State/Province

Enter the school state/province.




School Postal/Zip Code

Enter the school postal/zip code.




School Phone Number

Enter the school phone number.




School Number

Enter the school number. This is state assigned. Format ####



Staff Course Roster

Student Course Roster

NJ School Enrollment Record

Alternate School Number

Enter the alternate school number.



NJ SMART Extracts

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.




Principal’s Name

Enter the principal’s name.





Enter the school grades (lowest – highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.




County Name

Enter the county name.



NJ SMART Extracts

Pre-ID Test Labels for ACCESS Tests

County Number

Enter the county number. This is state assigned. Format ##



NJ SMART Extracts

NJ Pre-ID Test Labels

Pre-ID Test Labels for ACCESS Tests

Operates a Lunch Program

Select Yes to indicate that the school operates a lunch program.

Select No if the school does not operate a lunch program



NJ Fall Survey - No Longer Used

National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

Select Yes to indicate that the school participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

Select No if the school does not participate in the NSLP.



NJ Fall Survey - No Longer Used

Entering Special Program Information

Special Programs > Special Program Information

Program Name

Enter the special program name.

For allowable values, see the Appendix.




NJ ASSA Report

NJ ASSA Extracts

NJ School Enrollment Record

NJ ADA/ADM By Student

NJ Fall Survey

NJ Attend. Summary

NJ Attend. Register

Qualifies as a special education program

Select the checkbox to indicate a special education program.

[Gen]spedindicator=True or False



NJ ASSA Report

NJ ASSA Extracts

NJ School Enrollment Record

NJ ADA/ADM By Student

NJ Fall Survey - obsolete

NJ Attend. Summary

NJ Attend. Register

Qualifies as a NJ Register Category

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. If you select Yes, you must enter a program type code.




NJ ASSA Report

NJ ASSA Extracts

NJ School Enrollment Record

NJ ADA/ADM By Student

NJ Fall Survey - obsolete

NJ Attend. Summary

NJ Attend. Register

Old Register Program Type Code (PTC)

Choose the old (pre-2007) NJ PTC code that would be associated with this special program. Select a code only if relevant and if the code qualifies as a special program.

For a list of valid codes, see the Appendix.




NJ ASSA Report

NJ ASSA Extracts

NJ School Enrollment Record

NJ ADA/ADM By Student

NJ Fall Survey - obsolete

NJ Attend. Summary

NJ Attend. Register

New NJ SMART Register Program Type Code (PTC)

Select the new (NJ SMART) PTC code that is associated with this special education program. Select only one if the program qualifies as a special education program according to state guidelines.

For a list of valid codes, see the Appendix.




NJ ASSA Report

NJ ASSA Extracts

NJ School Enrollment Record

NJ ADA/ADM By Student

NJ Fall Survey - obsolete

NJ Attendance Summary

NJ Attendance Register

NJ SMART Extracts

Defining Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.



[Enter the reports or N/A.]

Defining Period Mapping

Period Mapping

Use this page to map the AM and PM periods to the corresponding bell period. You must map each bell period used in your district to use the Two-Session Attendance calculation method when generating the NJ School Attendance Register.

To map AM and PM periods to a bell period:

  1. Go to District > District Setup > Period Mapping.

  2. In the Select A Bell Schedule list, click a bell schedule to be mapped, and then click New. The New Record page appears.

  3. In the AM Periods list, hold down the Ctrl key and click each period considered an AM period in the bell schedule.

  4. In the PM Periods list, hold down the Ctrl key and click each period considered a PM period in the bell schedule.

  5. Click Submit to save the record.

To edit a current mapping:

  1. Go to District > District Setup > Period Mapping.

  2. In the Bell Schedule Name column, click the mapped bell schedule you want to edit. The Edit Record page appears.

  3. In the AM Periods list, hold down the Ctrl key and click each period considered an AM period in the bell schedule.

  4. In the PM Periods list, hold down the Ctrl key and click each period considered a PM period in the bell schedule.

  5. Click Submit to save the record.

Select A Bell Schedule

This drop-down list contains every bell schedule that is defined in each school for the currently selected year in PowerSchool. Since bell schedule names are not unique and can be the same at each school, the bell schedule description in the drop-down list includes the following information:

  • School Number followed by a Pipe (999|)

  • Bell Schedule Name followed by the bell schedule Id in parenthesis (Regular Bell Schedule(999)



NJ School Attendance Register

Fields Displayed

After a bell schedule is mapped, the following fields display below the New button: Bell Schedule Name, School Id, AM Periods, and PM Periods. AM and PM Periods will be displayed in a comma delimited list. The list displayed is the abbreviation of the period that was created for every period by a user.






NJ School Attendance Register

Bell Schedule

The Bell Schedule field displays the Bell Schedule Id for the currently selected Bell Schedule. You cannot edit this field.



NJ School Attendance Register

AM/PM Periods

AM/PM Periods is a multi-select list that allows you to map more than one period to the selected bell schedule. The multi-select list contains each period that is defined within the selected bell schedule.

The description displays in the following format, Format: [Period Abbreviate] Period Name (Period Id):, where

  • The Period Abbreviation displays inside the square brackets, e.g., [1]

  • The Period Name/Description displays, e.g., 1

  • The internal Period Id displays in parenthesis, e.g., (311)





NJ School Attendance Register

Defining Final Grade Mapping

Final Grade Mapping

Final grade mapping is done during the EOY process. When the next school year has been defined with all valid scheduling terms (i.e., Full Year, S1,S2, Q1, Q2, etc), and a matching term is found during the EOY process, the previous grade mapping setup is copied over. If no matching term is found, complete the mapping manually, following the instructions below.

Defining Manual Final Grade Mapping

Manual Final Grade Mapping

When no matching term is found after the next school year has been defined with valid scheduling terms, you must manually map the Store Code which designates the Final Grade for the specified term.

To add a new mapping:

  1. Navigate to District > District Setup > Final Grade Mapping.

  2. Select Edit for a school. Working within the Year Filter shown on the Final Grade Mapping page, click New to display the New Final Grade Mapping Record page. The school number appears along with three other fields.

  3. From the PowerSchool Term dropdown list of terms for the designated school year, select a term for which a final grade is to be reported to the state, such as Semester 1.

  4. Enter the Store Code which should be extracted as the Final Grade for the term shown.

  5. Enter the Completion Date. This date should be the last in session day of the term shown.

  6. Click Submit to save the record.

To edit a current mapping:

  1. Navigate to District > District Setup > Final Grade Mapping.

  2. Click Edit for a school to display the school’s terms for which a Final Grade Store Code has been designated. If none are listed, click New; otherwise, click Edit on the term you want to modify. The Edit Final Grade Mapping Record page appears.

  3. Modify the Term, Store Code, or Completion Date as needed.

  4. Click Submit to save the record.

School Number

The number of the selected school.



Student Course Roster

PowerSchool Term (Term of Class)

Select a term for which final grades must be submitted, such as Semester 1.



Student Course Roster

Store Code

Enter the Store Code assigned to the final grade for the class. For example, for Semester 1 the Store Code assigned to the final grade for Semester 1 might be S1.



Student Course Roster

Completion Date

Enter the last in-session date of the term shown.



Student Course Roster

Defining Grade Scale Mapping

Grade Scale Mapping

Use this page to map each grade scale to the state Grade Scale Type and to the comparable state grade. Only one mapping per Grade Scale Type per Grade Scale is permitted. This mapping is used in and must be completed prior to running Staff Course Roster and Student Course Roster reports.

Note: When a grade scale contains a grade/mark that has two different meanings (i.e., F in a grade scale could mean F (Failure in a Pass/Fail course) or F (failing grade in a graded course), two separate grade scales are recommended, one for Pass/Fail courses and one for graded courses. If that is not possible, map the F to either the appropriate Pass/Fail or grade or to the appropriate Alpha mapping; it cannot be mapped to two different values.

To enter a new mapping:

  1. Navigate to District > District Setup > Grade Scale Mapping.

  2. Click Edit for one of the grade scales displayed. All Grade Scales for any school in the district displays.

  3. Click Edit for the Grade Scale Type which applies to the Grade Scale.

  4. Click New to display the mapping page. Note: If the grade scale contain exact matches to the state values (i.e. grade A matches the state allowable value A) no mapping is required. For other grade scale items, select the grades/marks presented in the dropdown lists on the right, which equate to the state value shown on the left. Multiple values may be selected from the dropdown lists by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting multiple grades/marks. Submit to save and display the mapping.

To edit an existing mapping:

  1. Navigate to District > District Setup > Grade Scale Mapping.

  2. Click Edit for one of the grade scales displayed.

  3. Click Edit for the Grade Scale Type which applies to the Grade Scale.

  4. Click Edit to modify the existing mapping.

Click Submit to save the record.

Setting up Teacher Role Mapping

Teacher Role Mapping

Teacher Role

Roles that are defined in Roles Administration > Co-Teaching are displayed




The [NJ_Teacher_Role_Mapping]role_def_id_xx field is linked to the SectionTeacher.roleid.

Staff Course Roster

Exclude from Staff Course Roster Report

Select a value of No or Yes. A Yes value means teachers assigned to that role will not be extracted in the Staff Course report.




Staff Course Roster

Managing State Codes

State Code Management

To edit state codes:

  1. Select a code. The Edit Code field appears.

  2. Edit Description, Sort Order, and Set as Default as needed.

Select Code Set

Choose a set of codes from the pop-up menu to manage.


Code Value

The code value.



Description of the code value.


Sort Order

The sort order.


Effective Start Date

The date the code went into effect.


Effective End Date

The date the code went out of effect.


Alternate Report Code

The alternate report code.


Default Value

Indicates whether the code is set as a default value.


Creating Industry-Valued Credentials

Industry Valued Credentials

To edit/create new industry-valued credentials:

  1. Select a code/click New. The Edit Industry-Valued Credential/New Credential field appears.

  2. Edit NJ SMART Code, Career, Credential Name, Issuing Agency, and Active as needed.


The NJ SMART code.






The corresponding career.




Credential Name

The name of the credential.

See the Appendix for a list of valid credentials.




Issuing Agency

The agency which issues the credential.





Indicate whether or not the credential is active.




Creating Entry Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Data Element




Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the entry code.



Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the entry code description.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Creating Exit Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Data Element




Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the exit code.



Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the exit code meaning.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



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