Creating Incidents: Incident Description
Use the steps below to populate the Incident Description portion of an incident. See the Appendixfor code values.
- Navigate to Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management.
- Click Create New Incident.
- If logged into District Office, choose the School at which the incident occurred; otherwise, the school you are logged into will be where the incident occurred.
- Enter or modify the following information:
- Incident Type: For state-reportable incidents, choose STATE REPORTABLE (SSDS)^.
- Incident Date and Time: Pre-populated based on the current date and time and indication when the incident occurred. Change these as needed.
- Time Frame: No specified State values. This field is optional and may be populated by whatever local codes you choose to set up (for example, Before School Hours, During School Hours, After School Hours).
- Time Frame Comment:Not used for NJ State Reporting and is optional.
- Title: Not used for NJ State Reporting. However, it appears in the lists of incidents so choose a title that gives enough information about the incident that it can be distinguished from others that are similar (e.g. "HIB incident - Gender", "Weapon Offense - Expelled", or "Assault on Staff").
- Description: Reported on the NJ State SSDS. In PowerSchool, the Incident Management field may extend to 5000 characters or more; however, the NJ SSDS form accepts only 240 characters.
- Location: Values are state-specified and are reported to the state, but are optional.
- Location Comment: Not used for NJ State Reporting and is optional.
- Prepared by: Not used for NJ State Reporting. Usually the name of the person completing the Incident information is entered here.
- Financial Impact: Not used for NJ State Reporting