Creating Incidents: Incident Builder: Participants
Use the steps below to populate the Participants portion of an incident. See the Appendix for code values.
To add a student or staff member from PowerSchool, complete the following steps:
- Click the Plus (+) button next to Participants. A pop up box appears that allows you to search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants.
- Enter criteria for the search and click Search. If searching for either a teacher or student, the Results section is populated with matching participants.
- Highlight the appropriate participant in the search results and click Add.
- Choose a role from the Select Role(s) pop-up menu: Offender, Victim, Reporter, or Witness. Only Offenders and Victims are used in NJ State Reporting.
Note: For the role of Offender or Victim, select a role code description from the pop-up menu that further specifies the participants, e.g. General Ed Student, Student with Disabilities, Non-student, etc. The role descriptions for Offenders and Victims differ as per NJ State Reporting requirements. - Click the Plus (+) button next to Attributes in the 'Add Participant Attributes' box IF the following values are needed for the Offender or Victim:
if Offender Caused an Injury, or Incurred an Injury (these are specified separately)
if Offender was removed from school (In School or Out of School Suspension, Expulsion, Removal), specify Program Services Provided and Program Services Location
if Victim Incurred an Injury
if Victim was the victim of a Violent Criminal Offense, and if so, did the victim have the option to Transfer out of this school, and was the Transfer option declined, accepted and completed within 30 days, or accepted and not completed within 30 days.
- Click the Plus (+) button next to Participants. A pop up filter box appears that allows you to search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants.
- For the Type popup menu, select Others.
- Click on the Create Other option at the bottom of the filter box.
- The Add Other Participant dialog box appears. Populate the First, Middle, Last Names, Position, age, and gender fields if this data is known.
If the person is unknown, check the Mark as Unknown box. - Click Add.
- Choose a role from the Select Role(s) pop-up menu: Offender, Victim, Reporter, or Witness. Only Offender and Victim are used in NJ State Reporting.
Note: For the role of Offender or Victim, select a role code description from the pop-up menu that further specifies the participants, e.g. General Ed Student, Student with Disabilities, Non-student, etc. The role descriptions for Offenders and Victims differ as per state reporting requirements. - The Attributes generally do not apply in the case of an Other person, except possibly the Injury attributes.