CRDC Specific to New Jersey: S_NJ_REN_CRDC_X (ver 17.1.0)
This table is an extension of the [ReEnrollments] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
Id | 17.1.0 | Number(10,0) | System generated Primary Key. |
ACT_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CRDC_ACT_YN |
APExam | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CRDC_APExam |
APExamPassed | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CRDC_APExamPassed |
GEDPrepProgram_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CRDC_GEDPrepProgram_YN |
GEDPrepProgramCred_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CRDC_GEDPrepProgramCred_YN |
IBDiplomaProgram_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CRDC_IBDiplomaProgram_YN |
IDEA_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CRDC_IDEA_YN |
SAT_YN | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CRDC_SAT_YN |
Gifted_Talented_YN | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used for CRDC to indicate that the student is Gifted/Talented. |
Section504_YN | 17.7.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used for CRDC to indicate that the student is with disabilities served under Section 504 |
DualEnrollment_YN | 17.7.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used for CRDC to indicate that the student is enrolled in Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit Programs |
DistanceLearning_YN | 17.7.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used for CRDC to indicate that the student is enrolled in any distance education courses |
CreditRecovery_YN | 17.7.0 | VarChar2(1) | Used for CRDC to indicate that the student participate in at least one credit recovery program |