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Assessment Session Location Calculation (SessionName)

This section describes the data sources and logic used to output the ELA/Math Assessment Session Location values. A string composed of the five elements listed below is output, with each element separated by a dash, for example: 123-ELA04-SMITH-567878-02. 

School Code

The data sources are considered in the order listed and the first non-blank value is output


Test Code


[S_NJ_STU_X] PARCC_Math_Test_Code

If an override value exists, the value entered in the override is output, truncated to 20 characters. 


The same calculation and value as output for the ELA/Math Test Code element is used. 

Teacher Last Name 



If an override exists, the teacher last name corresponding to the SMID entered is output, truncated to 20 characters.

Note: if an invalid SMID is entered as an override, Teacher Last Name will be extracted as blank in the Assessment Session Location (SessionName) output.


[Users]LastName corresponding to the Teacher SMID calculated as the ELA/Math teacher in the StaffMemberAssigned field.

Additional selection logic if the Teacher SMID maps to more than one teacher: MAX[Teachers]ID 

Course Number ELA/Math class



If an override value exists, the value entered in the override is output, truncated to 20 characters. 

Calculated - from ELA/Math Class Name element


Section Number ELA/Math class


If an override exists in ELA/Math Class Name field, the Section Number is suppressed from the output.

Calculated - from ELA/Math Class Name element

[CC]Section Number

Additional selection logic if the student has more than one target class in the subject area: MAX[CC]ID

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