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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-232777ELO Student Report - Update

ELO Student Report: Version 1.1
The report is updated to pull Historical Grades if the grades are associated with a CC record and are marked to pull for ELO.

PSSR-230713i4see Student Roster - Update

The Assessment Grouping field is updated to allow a maximum of 30 characters. The report output is updated to accommodate the new field length.

PSSR-232776SCED Code - Update

The following updates are made:

  • The text below the SCED code is corrected to “Not a Valid SCED Code.”
  • “Not a Valid SCED/Primary Subject Area Code” is displayed when a user enters an invalid SCED code.
  • If the SCED code is blank, no validation is displayed.
PSSR-230810Transportation Mode - Update

The following updates are made to Transportation Mode:

  • The label is updated to read: Transportation Mode (if left blank, defaults to 6)
  • Options 1 and 3 are moved to Obsolete
  • CATE Student Enrollment Submission is updated to default to 6-Standard per day rate
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