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S_NH_STU_CRDC_X (ver 16.11.1)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary Key.

Transfer_Alternative_School16.1.0Number (1,0)Student was transferred to an Alternative or Regular School for students without Disabilities.
LEP_YN16.1.11Varchar2(1)This is a student Classified as limited English proficient (LEP).
LEPProgram_YN16.1.11Varchar2(1)This is a student enrolled in an LEP program.
OutsideLEA_YN16.1.11Varchar2(1)This student is served in a Non-LEA facility.
TAG_YN16.1.11Varchar2(1)This is a student enrolled in a gifted and talented program.



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