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S_NH_SEC_X (ver 16.11.1)

This table is an extension of the Sections table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Sections] table.

Educatori4seeID216.11.1Number(11,0)1200 EducatorId for 2nd Teacher - Teacher Certification Id
Educatori4seeID316.11.1Number(11,0)1200 EducatorId for 3rd Teacher - Teacher Certification Id
EducatorID216.11.1Number(11,0)1201 EducatorId2 - Teacher Certification Id




1202 EducatorId3 - Teacher Certification Id

ELO_Career_Cluster20.7.1.0Varchar2(8)ELO Career Cluster
ELO_Community_Partner19.10.1.0Varchar2(100)ELO Community Partner/Mentor Name
ELO_Credit_Bearing20.7.1.0Varchar2(1)Obsolete - ELO Credit Bearing Status
ELO_Description19.10.1.0Varchar24)ELO Description Type
ELO_Num_DaysPerWk20.7.1.0Number(5)Obsolete - ELO Number of Days Per Week out of School Building
ELO_Off_Campus20.7.1.0Varchar2(1)ELO Off Campus Indicator
ELO_Subject_Area20.7.1.0Varchar2(8)Primary Subject Area
ELO_Subject_Area120.7.1.0Varchar2(8)Obsolete - Primary Subject Area (SCED Code)
Exclude_from_CATE16.11.1Number(1,0)Exclude Section from CATE extracts
Exclude_from_i4see16.11.1Number(1,0)Exclude Section from i4see submission
LengthOfClass16.11.1Number(11,0)1770 LengthInMinutes
LocalClassCode16.11.1Varchar2(10)1470 LocalClassCode
Subject_Code_Teacher116.11.1Varchar2(10)1300 Subject Code for 1st Teacher
Subject_Code_Teacher216.11.1Varchar2(10)1300 Subject Code for 2nd Teacher
Subject_Code_Teacher316.11.1Varchar2(10)1300 Subject Code for 3rd Teacher
TermID16.11.1Varchar2(10)1430 TermID - Term ID (Term that the course was taught)
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