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S_NH_REN_CATE_X (ver 16.11.1)

This table is an extension of the ReEnrollments table.

Column Name


Data Type


REENROLLMENTSDCID16.11.1Number(10.0)Foreign Key
District_Number_Send21.9.2.0Varchar2(6)Override field for [S_NH_STU_X]District_Responsible




Entry Date

ExitDate16.11.1DateExit Date
EntryCode16.11.1Varchar2(5)Entry Code
ExitCode16.11.1Varchar2(5)Exit Code
Enrollment_Status16.11.1Varchar2(5)Enrollment Status
SAU_Number_Send16.11.1Varchar2(6)SAU Number Send
School_Number_Send16.11.1Varchar2(10)School Number Send
Receiving_District_Number16.11.1Varchar2(6)If attending a CTE Center, enter the Receiving District Number where the center is located
Receiving_SAU_Number16.11.1Varchar2(6)If attending a CTE Center, enter the Receving School Administrative Unit Number where the center is located
Receiving_School_Number16.11.1Varchar2(10)If attending a CTE Center, enter the Receiving School Number where the center is located
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