The following is the role that defines the staff member's permissions in FTCAC.
Code | Description |
80 | The individual should have access to the entire SAU for all i4see and FTC-AC applications |
81 | The individual should have access to the entire SAU for all i4see and FTC-AC applications as well as other state submissions such as ESOL and aggregate forms |
88 | The individual should have access to all SAU functions including sensitive F&R and Homeless data |
51 | The individual should have access to the i4see Workbench, but not FTC-AC |
85 | The individual should have access to a district or school and only for the FTC-AC application |
86 | The individual should have access to a district or school for all i4see and FTC-AC applications |
89 | The individual should have access to all district functions including sensitive F&R and Homeless data |
90 | The individual should have access to only FTC-AC and for their classes only |
60 | The individual should have access to SASID lookup |
61 | The individual should have access to Real-Time Withdraw / Entry and SASID lookup only |