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Student Transcripts

This category captures overall cumulative academic information and current year course transcript grades. The Student Transcript category includes the following data views and resources:

Academic Records

This view captures information about student cumulative academic records and cumulative earned credits as published in the studentAcademicRecord resource within the Student Transcript category. Each student's course transcript must be accompanied by an Academic Record. For Nebraska, student cumulative credit records are limited to courses taken in grade levels 9 and higher. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and Grade Level, along with the Store Code, State Student Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.


This educational resource represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student, and functions as the header record for the student courseTranscript resource.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [StoredGrades]
  • [ReportingStoreCodes] / [VirtualTablesData]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The student was published in the student category.
  • The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must have an active school enrollment.
  • The student is/was enrolled during the year for the term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
  • The course must not be excluded from state reporting ("NE_StateExcludeFromReporting").
  • The course must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_CRS_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
  • The section must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_SEC_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
  • At least one StoredGrades record for the student meets the following criteria:
    • The course must have a valid state course code, or have a valid state course code override; overrides in the StoredGrades record are given priority over the normal state course code.
    • The school associated with the StoredGrades record must not be excluded from state reporting.
    • The course must not be excluded from printing ("sched_do_not_print")
    • The section must not be excluded from state reporting ("Exclude_State_Rpt_YN").
    • The StoredGrades record must not be excluded from state reporting ("NE_StateExcludeFromReporting").
    • The StoredGrades record must not be excluded from transcripts ("excludefromtranscripts").
    • The StoreCode for the grade must conform to one of the following scenarios:
      • StoreCode must be a final grade code for the course term where Storecode is either 'Y1', 'S1', or 'S2' for a year/final grade
      • StoreCode must match a term record for the school where [StoredGrades]StoreCode = [Terms]Abbreviation.
      • There is a matching storecode record for term in [ReportingStoreCodes]

Resource Output

  • A separate studentAcademicRecord is published for each unique combination of student, school year, and StoreCode (i.e. Ed-Fi 'Term') that meets the required criteria.
  • As this data is accumulated at the district level, the Education Organization reference in these records is the district (LEAId).
  • The cumulativeEarnedCredits complex type is required and represents a rolling accumulation of credits. For each school year, the total cumulative earned credits to date are summed.
  • Credits are summed only where the grade level when taken is equal to or greater than 9.
  • If the StoredGrades SectionId is greater than 0, it is the most recent for the section, student, and storecode based on DateStored.
  • The studentAcademicRecord resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: student and studentSchoolAssociation.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS on-demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field



A reference to the associated student resource.



Identifies the student associated with the Student Academic Record.



Derived from: [StoredGrades]StudentID



A reference to the associated educationOrganization resource.



The education organization that is associated with the Student Academic Record.


District: LEAId downloaded from State



The identifier for the school year.

Enumerated List




The term for the session during the school year.

Enumerated List


Y1: 'Year Round'

S1: 'Fall Semester'

S2: 'Spring Semester'

T1: 'First Trimester'

T2 'Second Trimester'

T2: 'Third Trimester'

Q1: 'First Quarter'

Q2: 'Second Quarter'

Q3: 'Third Quarter'

Q4: 'Fourth Quarter'

H1: 'First Hexter'

H2: 'Second Hexter'

H3: 'Third Hexter'

H4: 'Fourth Hexter'

H5: 'Fifth Hexter'

H6: 'Sixth Hexter'

Else: 'MiniTerm'


Transcript Courses

This view captures student transcripts entries for the current year including course attempts and results for those attempts. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and Grade Level, along with Store Code, Final Grade, Course Code, Section, Course Title, Teacher Name, State Student Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.


This resource is the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [StoredGrades]
  • [ReportingStoreCodes] / [VirtualTablesData]
  • [Sections]
  • [CC]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The student was published in the student category.
  • The studentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must have an active school enrollment.
  • The student is/was enrolled during the year for the term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
  • The school associated with the StoredGrades record must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The course must have a valid state course code, or have a valid state course code override; overrides in the StoredGrades record are given priority over the normal state course code.
  • The course must not be excluded from printing ("sched_do_not_print")
  • The section must not be excluded from state reporting ("Exclude_State_Rpt_YN").
  • The StoredGrades record must not be excluded from state reporting ("NE_StateExcludeFromReporting").
  • The StoredGrades record must not be excluded from transcripts ("excludefromtranscripts").
  • The course must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_CRS_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
  • The section must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_SEC_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
  • The StoreCode for the grade must conform to one of the following scenarios:
    • StoreCode must be a final grade code for the course term where Storecode is either 'Y1', 'S1', or 'S2' for a year/final grade
    • StoreCode must match a term record for the school where [StoredGrades]StoreCode = [Terms]Abbreviation.
    • There is a matching storecode record for term in [ReportingStoreCodes]
  • If the StoredGrades SectionId is greater than 0, the record is the most recent for the section, student, and storecode based on DateStored.

Resource Output

  • A courseTranscripts record is published for each student and each course attempt with a StoredGrades record that meets the required criteria.
  • As this data is accumulated at the district level, the Education Organization in the studentAcademicReference complex type is the district (LEAId).
  • The SchoolId is included in the courseReference complex type for courses taken within the district; courses taken outside the district appear within the externalCourse complex type with the school reported in the nameOfInstitution element.
  • The courseCode and educationOrganization reported in the courseReference complex type are the State Course Code and the SEAId.
  • For each course, a courseAttemptResult must be reported with possible values of 'Pass', 'Fail', 'Incomplete', or 'Withdrawn'.
  • For each course, earnedCredits must be reported; if no credit was earned or the grade level when taken is less than 9, a default of '0' is output.
  • The sum of all the courseTranscripts earnedCredits per student should match the most recent school year Student Academic Record's Cumulative Earned Credits value.
  • Where available, both the final letter grade and final numeric grade are published.
  • The courseTrancripts resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: student, studentSchoolAssociation, and studentAcademicRecord.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS on-demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field



A reference to the related Course resource.



The Education Organization that defines the curriculum and courses offered - often the LEA or school. This organization identifier matches the educationOrganizationID in the downloaded course resource, usually the SEAID.


SEAId downloaded from the state – '1'



The course being offered by the school. This is typically the courseCode in the downloaded Course resource, usually the state courseCode. Typically, if courseCode does not match a courseCode in the downloaded Course resource, it will result in an error and may be prevented from publishing.


State CourseCode:


If null:

[Courses]Alt_Course_Code derived from [StoredGrades]Course_Number

If null:

[Courses]Alt_Course_Code derived from [Sections]Course_Number



A reference to the associated schools resource.



The school that provided the reported instruction.


SchoolID downloaded from State

Derived from:

[Sections]SchoolId or [StoredGrades]SchoolId



A reference to the related StudentAcademicRecord resource.



Identifies the student associated with the studentAcademicRecord.



Derived from:




The education organization associated with the studentAcademicRecord.


District: LEAId downloaded from State



The identifier for the school year.

Enumerated List




The term for the session during the school year.

Enumerated List


Y1: 'Year Round'

S1: 'Fall Semester'

S2: 'Spring Semester'

T1: 'First Trimester'

T2 'Second Trimester'

T2: 'Third Trimester'

Q1: 'First Quarter'

Q2: 'Second Quarter'

Q3: 'Third Quarter'

Q4: 'Fourth Quarter'

H1: 'First Hexter'

H2: 'Second Hexter'

H3: 'Third Hexter'

H4: 'Fourth Hexter'

H5: 'Fifth Hexter'

H6: 'Sixth Hexter'

Else: 'MiniTerm'



The result from the student's attempt to take the course, for example, Pass, Fail, Incomplete, Withdrawn.

Enumerated List

Calculated from:

  • [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs, EarnedCrHrs, Grade and Percent
  • [CC]TermID
  • [Sections]
  • [Courses]
  • [GradeScaleItem]GraduationCredit and IsProficient

Note: If none of the conditions listed below are definitively met, a default of 'Pass' is published.


  • If EarnedCrHrs >= PotentialCrHrs
  • If Grade starts with "P"
  • If GraduationCredit = 1
  • If IsProficient = 1


  • If PotentialCrHrs > 0 and EarnedCrHrs = 0 or blank
  • If Grade starts with "F"
  • If GraduationCredit = 0
  • If Percent grade < CutOffPercentage for graduation credit based on the grade scale


  • If EarnedCrHrs > 0 and < PotentialCrHrs
  • If both Grade and Percent fields in the StoredGrades table are empty and EarnedCrHrs = 0
  • If Grade starts with "I"


  • If the TermID in the StoredGrades record is not the latest term for the course
  • If the max value [CC]TermID for the section < 0



creditType - The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.


'Carnegie unit'



The number of credits awarded or earned for the course.



If the grade level is < 9, a default value of '0' is published.



creditType - The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.


'Carnegie unit'



The number of credits attempted for a course.



If the grade level is < 9, a default value of '0' is published.



gradeLevelDescriptor - Student's grade level at the time of the course.





The final indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

*If finalNumericGradeEarned is not provided, then finalLetterGradeEarned is required.


[StoredGrades]Grade (alpha characters)



The final indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

*If finalLetterGradeEarned is not provided, then finalNumericGradeEarned is required.





The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in a school or other institution or organization.


Not stored in PowerSchool; selected from downloaded state courses using state course code



The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in the school, if different from the courseTitle.





The local code assigned by the School that identifies the course offering provided for the instruction of students.


[Sections]Course_Number + '-' + [Sections]DCID

If the SectionId = 0 or corresponding section not found but a state course override exists, then:

[Courses]Alt_Course_Code_Override + 'YYYY'

Else: [StoredGrades]Course_Number + 'XXXX'


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