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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-296917 22-23 Publish Discipline Changes

Student discipline data, publishes the data as per the mapping in the code set mapping for all the following descriptors:

  1. Behavior Descriptors
  2. Weapon Descriptors
  3. Discipline Descriptors
  4. Unilateral Removal Descriptors
  5. Restraint Category
PSSR-295073Code Set Mappings Updates to Discipline Descriptors

Code Set Mappings are now available for the following Descriptors:

  • Discipline Behavior Descriptors
  • Discipline Weapon Descriptors
  • Discipline Action Descriptors
  • Discipline Unilateral Removal Descriptors
  • Discipline Restraint Category Descriptors

Navigation: Start Page > System Administrator > Data Exchange > Code Set Mappings.

PSSR-301737Ed-Fi Framework: Error Running Update

An error was found in a recent update that could disable Ed-Fi. This error has been resolved and will allow Ed-Fi to continue working.

PSSR-301350Incident Management: Behavior Code Update

The new discipline descriptor “Theft” is now added as a parent code to the “Behavior Code” category.

PSSR-298092Populating Code Mapping with Default Values

The code mappings for the discipline descriptors will be auto populated with default values, once the state descriptor download is complete. This update is for following descriptors:

  • Discipline Behavior Descriptors
  • Discipline Action Descriptors
  • Discipline Unilateral Removal Descriptors
  • Discipline Weapon Descriptors
  • Discipline Restraint Category Descriptors
PSSR-301357Renaming the field in Course page

The following updates were made on the course page:

  • The “Minutes per Session” field was renamed to “Instructional Time Planned” on the Course Page under Nebraska state-specific information” section
  • The “Exclude from State Reporting” field in Nebraska state-specific information” section was removed.
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