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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-288595Ed-Fi Framework: Attendance Update

On the StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent resource, the EventDuration was published as 1.00 for Calendar days that only had 0.50 Membership if a student is absent for that day.
This issue is now fixed and the EventDuration publishes as 0.50 (or applicable apportionment) when a student is absent on the partial Calendar day.

As part of this fix, we have enhanced the join condition to fetch the right attendance value for “CodeToDay” for daily attendance mode when multiple attendance conversions are created with FTE having 1 to many relations for bell schedule.

PSSR-288836Special Programs Page Update

The Special Programs page is updated and now allows only one program type to be selected when setting up a new special program.

On the Special Programs Setup page, when both Qualifies as a special education program and Qualifies as a learning mode program are checked, and the page is submitted, the following message displays:

  • A program can either qualify as a special education program or a learning mode program. Please select one.
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