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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-286475Deprecate Student Summary Attendance Collection Periods

Student Summary Attendance Collection Periods pages has been removed from School info pages.

PSSR-280489Learning Modality Programs Publishing Update

The Learning Modality Programs are now published as a separate resource. This is based on the Learning Mode Programs set up at the District office.

PSSR-285632Remove Common Contact Pages and Links

The Common Student contact pages and associated links were removed. Student contacts should be entered from the Core Student Contact pages (Start Page > Student Selection > Contacts).

PSSR-268573Security Updates

Updates were made to prevent security attacks in all affected NE pages

PSSR-270695UI updates on Special Programs Page

On the Nebraska Special Programs Page, the following three tabs have been created:

  • Local Programs
  • Special Ed
  • Learning Mode

Special Programs specific to the Program type will be shown in each tab . Program type can be determined by the flag set at the District Special Program Setup page while creating a Special Program

For Learning Mode Program, Nebraska Program Fact Information form will not be displayed.

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