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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-300225All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences - API Updates

Validations to allow alphanumeric characters are added for all Digital Equity and Learning Preference fields, enabling the values inserted via API be visible in the Digital Equity and Learning Preferences UI.

PSSR-295751Data Exchange Admin Pages Security

Security has been improved on all the Data Exchange Admin pages to prevent any unauthorized access.

PSSR-300574Special Ed Student Programs Not Promoted During EOY

When the EOY is run, the Special Program was not rolled over as there was an error when more than one Nebraska special education program was selected in category other than special program. The business rule has been modified so that the process pulls the “Nebraska Special Education Program” only from special program category, so that the EOY process runs successfully.

PSSR-216510Staff Assignment Update

When a New Staff Assignment is created, and a different Position title is selected then the newly selected position title is retained after saving the page.

PSSR-225620Staff Assignments View Page Update

The Assignment column in the Staff Assignment view will display the staff assignment data irrespective of roles assigned to the staff. Previously, the column data was not populated if the admin access is removed.

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