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S_NE_STU_X (ver 15.11.0)

This is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type


StudentsDCID15.11.0Number(10,0)Primary key.
Advance_Placement15.11.0Varchar2(1)Honors or advanced placement. Migrated from [Students]NE_HonorsAdvPlace.
Birth_Country15.11.0Varchar2(4)Country of birth. Migrated from [Students]NE_CountryofBirth.
Country_Origin15.11.0Varchar2(4)Country of origin. Migrated from [Students]NE_CountryofOrigin.
Days_In_Session_Override19.7.1.0Number(10,0)The student's days in session when the number of days is different than the number of instructional days/days in session for their school calendar.
Dir_Info_Optout18.7.0Varchar2(1)Directory Information Opt-Out. This is mapped to Student Characteristic code 38 = Directory Information Opt-Out in Ed-Fi.
Enroll_Option_Status15.11.0Varchar2(1)Enroll option status. Migrated from [Students]NE_EnrollOptionStatus.
Expected_Grad_Year15.11.0Number(11,0)Expected graduation year (YYYY) Migrated from [Students]NE_ExpectYrOfGrad.
Expected_School_of_Grad18.7.0Number(11,0)School number of the expected high school of graduation for the student.
GAT15.11.0Varchar2(1)High ability learner eligibility. Migrated from [Students]NE_GAT.

High ability learner participant. Migrated from [Students]NE_HALPartcipate.

Half_Day_PK15.11.0Varchar2(1)Half day pre-k. Migrated from [Students]NE_Half_Day_PK.
Kdg_Grade_HK15.11.0Varchar2(1)Half day kindergarten. Migrated from [Students]NE_KdgGradeHK.
Lunch_Status15.11.0Varchar2(1)Lunch eligibility.  Migrated from  [Students]NE_LunchStatus.
Provide the code indicating this student has a parent or guardian that is a member of the Armed
Forces on active duty or on full-time National Guard duty
Post_Grad15.11.0Varchar2(1)Post Graduate Activity career and tech ed only.  Migrated from  [Students.]NE_PostGrad.
Post_Grade_Det15.11.0Varchar2(1)Post Graduate Activity Determination.  Migrated from  [Students]NE_PostGradDet.
Reporting_School18.7.0Number(11,0)School number of Reporting School.
School_of_Residence16.8.2Varchar2(3)Students school of residence.
Section_50415.11.0Varchar2(1)Plan 504 eligible.  Migrated from [Students.NE_504.
Single_Parent15.11.0Varchar2(1)Is student a single parent. Migrated from [Students]NE_IsSingleParent.
Stud_Lunch_315.11.0Varchar2(1)Eligible for Special Milk. Migrated from [Students]NE_StudLunch3.
Stud_Lunch_Elig15.11.0Varchar2(1)Lunch Eligibility. Migrated from [Students]NE_StudLunchElig.
Surr_Not_Needed_Reason15.11.0Varchar2(78)No Surrogate Parent Appointed reason. Migrated from   [Students] surr_not_needed_reason.
Surrogate_Not_Needed15.11.0Number(1,0)If No Surrogate Parent Appointed: Surrogate Not Needed. Migrated from   [Students] surrogate_not_needed.
Surrogate_Parents_Appointed15.11.0Varchar2(1)Surrogate Parent Appointed: Migrated from   [Students] surrogate_parents_appointed.
Provide an indication that homeless youths were unaccompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Ward_of_State15.11.0Varchar2(1)Ward of the State or Court. Migrated from   [Students] NE_Ward_of_State.
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