S_NE_STU_AssessmentFact2_C (ver 17.6.0)
This table is a child table of the [Students] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
Unique_ID | 17.6.0 | Number(11,0) | Record id. |
SchoolID | 17.6.0 | Number(11,0) | School ID. |
ForeignKey | 17.6.0 | Number(11,0) | Student ID. |
ForeignKey_Alpha | 17.6.0 | Varchar2(31) | Reserved for future use. |
TestDescription | 17.6.0 | Varchar2(15) | Test Description. |
ItemDescription | 17.6.0 | Varchar2(50) | Item Description. |
TestDate | 17.6.0 | Date | Test Date. |
SchoolYear | 17.6.0 | Date | School Year. |
ScaleScore | 17.6.0 | Number(25,10) | Scale Score. |
PercentScore | 17.6.0 | Number(25,10) | Percent Score. |
LocalStanine | 17.6.0 | Number(25,10) | Local Stanine. |