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S_NE_CRS_X (ver 15.11.0)

This is an extension of the Courses table.

Column Name


Data Type


COURSESDCID15.11.0Number(10,0)Primary key.
Spec_Course_Code15.11.0Varchar2(1) Special Course indicator. Migrated from [Courses]NE_Spec_Course_Code_YN.
State_ExcludeFromReporting15.11.0Number(1,0)Is the course excluded from state reporting. Migrated from [Courses]NE_State_ExcludeFromReporting.
ExcludeFromEdFi16.7.2Number(1,0)Is the course excluded from Ed-Fi reporting.
Min_Per_Session22.8.2.0Number(11,0)Minutes per session. 
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