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Organization Schedules

This category carries the education course offerings and the related course sections for each school. The Organization Schedules category includes the following data views and resources:

Course Offerings

This view captures the detailed list of Course Offerings as published in the CourseOffering resource within the Organization Schedules category. The layout includes the School Name, Course Number, Course Name, Section Number, Term, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.


This resource represents an entry in the course catalog of available courses offered by the school during a session.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [Courses]
  • [Sections]
  • [Terms]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The school where the course is offered must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The course must not be excluded from state reporting ("NE_StateExcludeFromReporting").
  • At least one section of the course must not be excluded from state reporting ("Exclude_State_Rpt_YN").
  • The course must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_CRS_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
  • The section must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_SEC_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
  • The course is offered during the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
  • The course must have a valid state course code.

resource Output

  • A separate courseOffering record is published for each unique combination of course and section scheduled at each school based on the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
    Note: In PowerSchool, section records and courseOffering records are essentially the same; the ensuing Ed-Fi section record within the Organization Schedules category adds location and period information.
  • The courseOffering resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: session.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field



The local code assigned by the School that identifies the course offering provided for the instruction of students.


[Sections]Course_Number + '-' + [Sections]DCID



The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in the school, if different from the courseTitle.





SchoolId - The school that offers the course.


SchoolId downloaded from State
Derived from:





SchoolId - The school for which the session is defined.


SchoolId downloaded from State
Derived from:



SchoolYearType - The identifier for the school year.

Enumerated List




TermType – The term type of the session.

Enumerated List




The planned total number of minutes of instructions for this course offering,

Note: The values in the column will be blank for SY less than 22-23.

integerDerived from: [S_NE_CRS_X]Min_Per_Session




The course being offered by the school. This is typically the courseCode in the downloaded course resource, usually the state courseCode. Typically, if courseCode does not match a courseCode in the downloaded course resource, it will result in an error and/or be prevented from publishing.


State CourseCode:
If blank:



EducationOrganizationId – The Education Organization that defines the curriculum and courses offered; published as the SEAId.


SEAId - Data element downloaded from State: '1'



This view captures the course sections offered at each school as published in the Section resource of the Organization Schedules category. The layout includes the School Name, Course Number, Course Name, Section Number, Period Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.


This resource represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided, in-person or otherwise, to one or more students for a given period of time. In Ed-Fi, a course offering may be scheduled for more than one section, but for PowerSchool there is a one-to-one correspondence between each course offering and its corresponding section.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [Sections]
  • [Section_Meeting]
  • [Courses]
  • [Terms]
  • [Schools]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The school where the section is taught must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The course must not be excluded from state reporting ("NE_StateExcludeFromReporting").
  • The course must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_CRS_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
  • The section must not be excluded from Ed-Fi ([S_NE_SEC_X]ExcludeFromEdFi).
  • The course must have a valid state course code.
  • The section must not be excluded from state reporting ("Exclude_State_Rpt_YN").
  • The section is taught during the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.

resource Output

  • A section record is published for each unique combination of school, course, and section based on the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
  • The availableCredits complex type reports credit information for sections based on the value in [Courses]Credit_Hours.
  • Each section record will also contain mandatory references to the courseOffering, location, and classPeriod resources as contained in the Education Organization and Organization Schedules categories.
    Note: In PowerSchool, section records and courseOffering records are essentially the same; the Ed-Fi section record adds location and period information.
  • The section resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: courseOffering, session, location, and classPeriod.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field



A unique identifier for the section that is defined by the classroom, the subjects taught, and the instructors that are assigned.


[Sections]SchoolID + '-' + [Sections]DCID



When a section is part of a sequence of parts for a course, the number in the sequence. If the course has only one part, the value should be 1.


Default = '1'



The amount of credit available to a student who successfully meets the objectives of the course. Available credits are measured in Carnegie units. A course meeting every day for one period of the school day over the span of a school year offers one Carnegie unit.



The value of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

Decimal (9,2)




The course offering taught in the section.



The local code assigned by the LEA or Campus that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students. This must match localCourseCode in corresponding courseOffering.


[Sections]Course_Number + '-' + [Sections]DCID



TermType - The name of the term in which the section is offered, for example, First semester, Second semester, Year long, Summer school. This must match term in corresponding courseOffering.

Enumerated List






SchoolYearType - The identifier for the school year, for example, 2010-2011. This must match schoolYear in corresponding courseOffering.

Enumerated List




SchoolId – The school offering the course. This must match schoolID in corresponding courseOffering.


SchoolId downloaded from State

Derived from:


Note: [Sections]WhereTaught is not currently implemented in Ed-Fi; [Sections]SchoolID is currently used in all cases



The location, typically a classroom, where the section meets.



A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a room by a school, school system, state, or other agency or entity.



If blank, default = 'OPEN'



SchoolId – The school for the section's classroom.


SchoolId downloaded from State

Derived from:


Note: [Sections]WhereTaught is not currently implemented in Ed-Fi; [Sections]SchoolID is currently used in all cases



The class period during which the section meets.



An indication of the portion of a typical daily session in which students receive instruction in a specified subject, for example, morning, sixth period, block period, or AB schedules.



If blank:




SchoolId – The school for the class period.


SchoolId downloaded from State

Derived from:


Note: [Sections]WhereTaught is not currently implemented in Ed-Fi; [Sections]SchoolID is currently used in all cases



Indication of whether Career Academy is the section's Course Delivery Model



[S_NE_SEC_X]Course_Delivery_ModelIf value is 3, 4, or 5, 'True' is published; else 'False'


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