Incident Rules
Use the following rules when creating incidents.
Incident Type |
State reportable incidents must be associated with the incident type Nebraska State Reporting. Additional incident types may be defined for local use, but are not reported. |
Offenders |
At least one perpetrator must be assigned the role of offender for each incident. If there is more than one offender in the incident, then the incident is reported once for each perpetrator. |
Reporters, Victims, Witnesses |
Victims should be defined if possible. Victims are reported with demographic information and Participant Attributes similar to Offenders. Witnesses should be defined if possible. The number of witnesses defined per incident is reported, without any demographic information. Reporters do not need to be defined; they are not included in Nebraska reporting. |
Participant Attributes |
Participant Attributes must be defined if applicable. |
Behaviors |
It is recommended to define at least one behavior for each incident. After you create a behavior, click and drag the behavior to the offender (perpetrator) to associate the two elements. Select the Primary Behavior checkbox for the "most severe offense". Select this checkbox even if there is only one behavior associated with the incident. One behavior is reported per perpetrator. If there are multiple behaviors for the perpetrator, then the first behavior entered may be reported. This method is not reliable, so if you need to report a specific behavior for a perpetrator, it is recommended to only associate one behavior to the offender. At the incident level, only the primary behavior is reported. |
Actions |
In most cases, the final action must be defined for each incident. The final disciplinary action taken for the offender may not be the action that was originally recommended. Define the action code (and subcode, if applicable), as well as the Action Date Range Start Date and End Date. After you create an action, click and drag the action to either the offender or the behavior. After the action is associated with the offender or behavior, it no longer appears under Incident Elements. |
Action Attributes |
Action Attributes must be defined, if applicable. |
Action Changes |
Action Changes must be defined, if applicable. |
Objects |
Objects must be defined, if applicable. |
Incident Attributes |
Incident Attributes must be defined, if applicable. |