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Assessment Item Codes

The following assessment item codes must be set up at the district. Assessment item codes are used to describe the subject of a test included in an assessment fact or assessment response record.

Subject/Item Description


Mathematics 03

Districts must report Mathematics and Reading performance at grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Benchmarked grades are specified in the State of the Schools Report collection within the Consolidated Data Collection (CDC) on the NDE Portal:

Mathematics 04

See Mathematics 03

Mathematics 05

See Mathematics 03

Mathematics 06

See Mathematics 03

Mathematics 07

See Mathematics 03

Mathematics 08

See Mathematics 03

Mathematics 09

Districts must report Mathematics and Reading performance at one grade in high school. Benchmarked grades are specified in the State of the Schools Report collection within the Consolidated Data Collection (CDC) on the NDE Portal:

Mathematics 10

See Mathematics 09

Mathematics 11

See Mathematics 09

Mathematics 12

See Mathematics 09

Science 04

Districts must report Science performance at grades 4 or 5, 8, and 11. The selection of grade 4 or grade 5 is specified in the State of the Schools Report collection within the Consolidated Data Collection (CDC) on the NDE Portal:

Science 05

See Science 04

Science 08

See Science 04

Science 11

See Science 04

Science 03

Some districts with local science standards will report Science performance at grades other than 4 or 5, 8, and 11. The selection of grades is specified in the State of the Schools Report collection within the Consolidated Data Collection (CDC) on the NDE Portal:

Note: District must report the same grade levels for both STARS and STARS Alternate.

Science 06

See Science 03

Science 07

See Science 03

Science 09

See Science 03

Science 10

See Science 03

Science 12

See Science 03

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