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2024-2025 ADVISER

A new 2024-2025 ADVISER profile has been created- EDFI_NE_5. The profile follows Ed-Fi version 6.1/data model 4.0.

To access the Plugin Management Dashboard, sign in to PowerSchool at the district level.

  1. On the start page, choose System Administrator

  2. Go to Data Exchange, click Setup

2024-2025 ADVISER profile setup

2024-2025 ADVISER profile

  1. Select the Profile Name.
    Important Note: All Communication Settings, including LEA settings, are profile specific. Verify that you have selected the correct profile before making the following changes.

  2. The Data Exchange URL and Authentication URL will be automatically populated.

  3. Select the School Years for Ed-Fi publishing.

  4. Verify all three Service Options are checked.

  5. Click Configure for any LEAs that will be publishing.

    1. Enable LEA 

    2. Enter the Authentication Key 

    3. Enter the Authentication Secret

    4. Test connection and save the communication settings. 

      1. PowerSchool recommends that you test your connection after completing these communication settings. Click Test Connection. A message appears to inform you whether or not the test was successful. Click the Save button to record your settings once the test is successful.

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