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Student Setup


Start Page > Student.

  1. On the Start Page, select the School link at the top of the page.

  2. Choose the appropriate school from the pop-up menu.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. Select the first letter of the student’s last name.

  5. Select a student from the list. The last accessed student information page opens for the student selected.

Note: When importing values for student information entered with a checkbox, import 1 for Y (Yes) and 0 for N (No).

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Adding General Demographics

Student Selection > General Demographics

State ID

Students State ID



Name (last, first MI)

Enter the students’ name, last, first middle

Note: To enter a student’s legal name, select the State/Province - ND > General tab






Enter the student’s date of birth




Enter the student’s gender



Ethnicity ID

Enter the student’s ethnicity



Exit Code

Enter an exit code



Grade Enrolled

Enter the student’s grade level



Plant Begin Date

Enter the student’s start date



Plant End Date

Enter the student’s exit date



Plant Pupil ID

Student’s Local Student ID



Enroll Status

Students Entry Code



Address Line 1

Students Street Address



Address Line 2

Leave blank




The city where the student resides




The state where the student resides




The zip code where the student resides



Defining North Dakota State Information

Adding General Student Information

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > General

State ID

Students State ID



Copy Student Name to Legal Name fields

Use this link to copy the student's name from the General Demographics page into the Legal Name fields below.


Legal First Name

Enterstudent’slegal first name. If field is blank, the student’s first name from the Demographics page is used.


Legal Middle Name

Enterstudent’slegal middle name. If field is blank, the student’s middle name from the Demographics page is used.


Legal Last Name

Enterstudent’slegal last name. If field is blank, the student’s last name from the Demographics page is used.



Selectstudent’ssuffix from the drop-down menu.


Copy Student Gender to Legal Gender field

Use this link to copy the student's name from the General Demographics page into the Legal Gender field below.


Legal Gender

Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu.


Four Year Cohort Graduation Year

Select the student’s four-year cohort graduation year. Once entered, the field will become read-only.


Graduation Date

Enter the student’s graduation date


Alt Ed

Select the checkbox if the student is an alternative education student.




BIE (formerly BIA)

Select the check box if student is identified with the Bureau of Indian Affairs.



Exclude from State Reporting

Check this box to exclude student from being reported on state reports.


Setting up Fall/Spring Submission Information

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > Fall/Spring Submission

Current Resident Educational Entity

Select County and District number from the drop-down menu.



HS Units

Enter the number of HS Units



21st Century

Select the checkbox if the student participates in21st Century



CTB Label Group

Used for sorting of Tests/Assessments.



Program Section Code

Required for kindergarten students



Student With Child

Applies to students taking CTE Courses



Displaced Homemaker

Applies to students taking CTE Courses



Received GED

Select the check box if student received a GED in lieu of a regular high school diploma.



Direct Cert

Choose up to three enrollment types from the pop-up menu.



Date Approved to Graduate with Optional Curriculum

Enter the date the student was approved to graduate with optional curriculum.


Date Civics Test Passed

Enter the date the student passed the state approved Civics Test


Entering ELL/Immigrant/Refugee Information

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > ELL/Imm/Ref

Note: If student is designated as ELL, Immigrant or Refugee an asterisk (*) will appear on the tab heading.

Immigrant Information


Select the checkbox if the student is an Immigrant.




US Entry Date

Enter the date the student entered the country. Only enter data if student is an immigrant.




Origin Country Code

Select the country the student has immigrated from.



Refugee Information


Select the check box if student is a Refugee.




ELL Information

Enrolled in ELL

Select the checkbox if the student has ever been enrolled in an ELL (LEP) program.



Native Language

Select the student’s native language from the drop-down menu.


ELL Enrollment Date

Enter the date the student wasfirstenrolledintoanELLprogram.



ELL Exit Date

The state populates this field automatically. If this field has data, it will be read-only;otherwise the field will not be available.



Parent Refused ELL Services

Select the checkbox if the student’s parent refused ELL services.





Teacher License Number

Select the teacher assigned to this student.





ILP Date

Applies to students for ELL






Current ELL Assessment

Assessment Given

Assessment Date

Proficiency Score

Scale Score

The information shown here is the most current ELL Assessment record for this student. To enter new Assessment records, view or edit prior Assessment records, select the ELL Assessment History link below.

ELL Assessment History

Assessment Given

Assessment Date

Proficiency Score

Scale Score

To select an Assessment record, select the Assessment Given link. To create a new Assessment record, select the New button at the top of the page.

[New/Edit] ELL Assessment 

Assessment Given

Select the assessment given to the student from the dropdown list.


Assessment Date

Enter the date of the assessment.


Proficiency Score

Select the proficiency score from the dropdown list.


Scale Score

Enter the student’s scale score. The scale score must be between 100 to 600 and is not allowed when the assessment given is W-APT. If a student is grade K AND the assessment selected is MODEL, the Scale Score is not allowed. If a student is in grade 1 AND the assessment selected is MODEL the Scale Score can be NULL or have a value between 100 and 600.


Language Instruction Educational Programs (LIEP) Model

CBL – Content-Based EL English Instruction

Select the checkbox if the student participates in the Content-Based EL Program.


NEW – Newcomer

Select the checkbox if the student participates in the Newcomer Program.


NSP – No Support

Select the checkbox if the student participates in a program without special supports.


ELO – EL Instruction in English

Select the checkbox if the student participates in the EL Instruction in English Program.


Entering IEP/Special Education Information

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > IEP/Special Ed

Note: If student is designated as Special Ed an asterisk (*) will appear on the tab heading.

Send To Tienet

Used to mark Special Ed Students being senttoTienetforevaluation



Special Ed – Serving Spec Ed Unit

Select a value from the drop-down list if the student is a special education student. If student is not a special education student, leave blank.

Note: A new Special Ed Service Unit Code 34703 is added for Valley-Edinburg Special Ed Unit. The Pembina Special Ed Unit code is disabled. These changes are applicable for school year 2024 - 2025. The Pembina Special Ed Unit code is available for previous years. 



Section 504

Select the checkboxifstudentisSection 504.



Adding Title I Enrollments

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > Title I

Note: If student is designated as Title I, an asterisk (*) will appear on the tab heading.

Start Date

End Date

Exit Reason











To view or edit a Title I record, select the Start Date link. To create a new Title I record, select the New button at the top of the page. The Targeted Assistance Area codes are defined at the bottom of the page.

[New/Edit] Title I Enrollment

Program Start Date

Enter the start date of the Title I enrollment.


Program End Date

Enter the end date of the Title I enrollment.


Exit Reason Code

Select the exit reason code from the dropdown list.



Enter a comment regarding the Title I enrollment record if necessary.


Title I Targeted Areas:

Instructional Services

Check all applicable Title I Targeted Areas associated with this Title I enrollment:

Mathematics (MA)

Reading/Language Arts (LA)

Science (SC)

Social Studies (SS)

Vocational/Career (VC)

Other Instructional Services (OI)







Title I Targeted Areas:

Support Services

Check all applicable Title I Targeted Areas associated with this Title I enrollment:

Health, Dental and Eye Care (HD)

Supporting Guidance/Advocacy (GA)

Other Support Services (OS)

Note: The user must select at least one Title I service.




Entering Migrant Information

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > Migrant

Note: If student is designated as Migrant an asterisk (*) will appear on the tab heading.

Start Date

End Date

Exit Reason


To view or edit a Migrant record, select the Start Date link. To create a new Migrant record, select the New button at the top of the page.

[New/Edit] Migrant Enrollment

Program Start Date

Enter the start date of the Migrant enrollment.


Program End Date

Enter the end date of the Migrant enrollment.


Last Qualifying Move Date (QAD)

Enter the relevant date.

Note: This field was mandatory if the program start date was equal to or greater then 08/21/2021. This validation is removed.


Exit Reason Code

Select the exit reason code from the dropdown list.


Migrant Comment

Enter a comment regarding the Migrant enrollment record if necessary.


Adding Homeless Information

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > Homeless

Note: If student is designated as Homeless an asterisk (*) will appear on the tab heading.

Start Date

End Date

Exit Reason


To view or edit a Homeless record, select the Start Date link. To create a new Homeless record, select the New button at the top of the page.

[New/Edit] Homeless Enrollment

Program Start Date

Enter the start date of the homeless enrollment.


Program End Date

Enter the end date of the homeless enrollment.


Exit Reason Code

Select the exit reason code from the dropdown list.


Unaccompanied Youth

Choose Yes or No to indicate the student's status as an unaccompanied youth.


Family Requests No Services

Check if the family as requested no assisting services.


Primary Night Time Residences

Choose the student's primary nighttime residence from the pop-up menu:

  • Shelter (Transitional housing, awaiting Foster Care)

  • Doubled-Up (e.g. living with another family)

  • Hotel/Motel

  • Unsheltered (e.g. cars, parks, campgrounds, trailer, abandoned building)


Legacy Fields


Enter a comment regarding the Homeless enrollment record if necessary.

This field is no longer required for state reporting.


Entering Military Info

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > Military Info

Note: If student has a parent in the military an asterisk (*) will appear on the tab heading.

Military Information – Father/Guardian 1

Last Name

Enter the last name.



First Name

Enter the first name.



Father/Guardian 1 Active Duty Military?

Select the checkbox if student’s Father/Guardian 1 is active duty military.



Military Branch

Select the Father/Guardian 1 military branch from the dropdown list.



Lives on Base

Select the base where the Father/Guardian 1 lives.

Valid values:

  • Blank – N/A

  • MAFB- Minot Air Force Base

  • GFAFB – Grand Forks Air Force Base



Military Pay Grade

Select the Father/Guardian 1 military pay grade.



Military Information – Mother/Guardian 2

Last Name

Enter the last name.



First Name

Enter the first name.



Mother/Guardian 2 Active Duty Military?

Select the checkbox if student’s Mother/Guardian 2 is active duty military.



Military Branch

Select the Mother/Guardian 2 military branch from the dropdown list.



Lives on Base

Select the base where the Mother/Guardian 2 lives.

Valid values:

  • Blank – N/A

  • MAFB- Minot Air Force Base

  • GFAFB – Grand Forks Air Force Base



Military Pay Grade

Select the Mother/Guardian 2 military pay grade.



Configuring Records Release

Student Selection > State/Province - ND > Records Release

Note: If student has opted out of anything an asterisk (*) will appear on the tab heading.

Student Photo or Directory Information cannot be released if checked:

School publications and Internet

Check if the student has opted out of releasing photo or directory information from school publications and/or internet.



Military Recruiters

Check if the student has opted out of releasing photo or directory information to Military Recruiters.



ND Universities

Check if the student has opted out of releasing photo or directory information to North Dakota Universities.



Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Check if the student has opted out of releasing photo or directory information to Youth Risk Behavior Surveys.




Check if the student has opted to exclude ACT scores on transcripts.



Setting up Records Release

Student > Records Release

Receiving Entity Type

Select the type of organization that is receiving the student’s records.

See the Appendix for values.

This is a required field.

[S_ND_STU_RECORDRELEASE_C] Record_Release_Entity_Type


Receiving Entity Name/Entity Code

Select the name of the organization that is receiving the student’s records.

Note: If the Receiving Entity Type is “SEU” and the district has set a preferred receiving entity, this field is populated with the name of the “preferred” receiving entity.

See the Appendix for values.

This is a required field.

Note:  On the PowerSchool page, the Entity Name is displayed.  In the database, both the Entity Name and the corresponding Entity Code are stored.

[S_ND_STU_RECORDRELEASE_C] Record_Release_Entity_Name

[S_ND_STU_RECORDRELEASE_C] Record_Release_Entity_Code


Effective Start Date

Enter the date the student’s records are authorized to be sent to the receiving organization.

This is a required field.

Note:  The Effective Start Date defaults to the current date, and may be edited.

[S_ND_STU_RECORDRELEASE_C] Record_Release_Start_Date


End Date

Enter the date the authorization for the release of the student’s records to the organization expires.

This is a required field.

Note:  The End Date defaults to the last day in the current district calendar, and may be edited.

[S_ND_STU_RECORDRELEASE_C] Record_Release_End_Date



Enter any notes about the student’s records release.

[S_ND_STU_RECORDRELEASE_C] Record_Release_Note


Adding Single or Multiple Entries

Student Selection > Multiple New Entries/Single New Entry – North Dakota Information

State Course Code

Enter the state course code.


Series - Part # of

Enter the part of the series. For example, Part 1 of X.


Series - of # Parts

Enter the total number of parts. For example, Part X of 4.


Course Level

Enter the course level.


Dual Credit?

Choose D - Dual Credit from the pop-up menu to indicate that the course is a dual credit course.


Editing Stored Grade

Student Selection > Edit Stored Grade – North Dakota Information

State Course Code

Enter the state course code.


Series - Part # of

Enter the part of the series. For example, Part 1 of X.


Series - of # Parts

Enter the total number of parts. For example, Part X of 4.


Course Level

Enter the course level.


Dual Credit?

Choose D – Dual Credit from the pop-up menu to indicate that the course is a dual credit course.



Check to indicate that the record has been scanned.


Enroll New Student – ND State Information

Program Section Code

Enter the Program Section Code for Kindergarten students.



Transfer From State

Enter the state that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer From City

Enter the city that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer From School

Enter the school that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Creating a New Student Enrollment

Student Selection > Functions > Create New Student Enrollment – ND State Information

Program Section Code

Enter the Program Section Code for Kindergarten students.



Re-Enrolling a Student

Student Selection > Functions > Re-Enroll In School – ND State Information

Program Section Code

Enter the Program Section Code for Kindergarten students.



Transfer From State

Select the state that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer From City

Enter the city that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer From School

Enter the school that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transferring Student Out of School

Student Selection > Functions > Transfer Out of School – ND State Information

Alt Ed

Select the checkbox if the student is Alt Ed



Transfer To State

Select the state that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



Transfer To City

Enter the city that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



Transfer To School

Enter the school that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



Defining Transfer Info

Editing Current Enrollment

Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment – ND State Information

Alt Ed

Select the checkbox if the student is Alt Ed.



Program Section Code

Enter the Program Section Code for kindergarten students



Transfer From State

Select the state that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer From City

Enter the city that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer From School

Enter the school that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer To State

Select the state that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



Transfer To City

Enter the city that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



Transfer To School

Enter the school that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



Editing Previous Enrollment

Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Previous Enrollment – ND State Information

Alt Ed

Select the checkbox if the student is Alt Ed.



Program Section Code

Enter the Program Section Code for Kindergarten students.



Transfer From State

Select the state that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer From City

Enter the city that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer From School

Enter the school that the student has transferred from.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Entry Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Entry Comment.



Transfer To State

Select the state that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



Transfer To City

Enter the city that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



Transfer To School

Enter the school that the student is transferring to.

Note: If transfer info is entered and Exit Comment is blank, the transfer info will automatically populate Exit Comment.



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