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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Update to Stored Grades Process for ND State Fields

When the Permanently Store Grades process is run, additional North Dakota state fields are now populated based on the value in Sections (if not NULL) or Courses.

  • Stored Grades Instructional Delivery Method (S_ND_SGR_X.InstDeliveryMethod) populated from:

    • S_ND_SEC_X.InstDeliveryMethod

    • S_ND_CRS_X.InstDeliveryMethod

  • Stored Grades Distance Learning Content Provider (S_ND_SGR_X.DistLearnContentProv) populated from:

    • S_ND_SEC_X.DistLearnContentProv

    • S_ND_CRS_X.DistLearnContentProv

  • All references to the obsolete field for "Scanned? “(AB_Final_Mark) are removed.

  • Existing functionality to copy Section or Course values to the State Course Code, Series - Part # of, Series - of # Parts, Course Level and Credit Detail Type fields is retained and verified.

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