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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-314259North Dakota Data Collection Updates

Updates to the North Dakota data collection for Courses and Historical Stored Grades are now available.

  • Courses Page
    • Distance Learning Content Provider (S_ND_CRS_X.DistLearnContentProv) is added just below the Instructional Delivery Method element.
    • The same code values as used for the Section-level field are available in the dropdown list.
    • The display of the codes is re-ordered to sort alphabetically, except for "Other", which displays at the bottom of the list.
    • Validation requires a value for Distance Learning Content Provider when the Instructional Delivery Method = 3 (Online/Computer) or 4 (IVN/Distance Learning).
  • Sections Page  
    • Distance Learning Content Provider: the display of the codes in the dropdown list is re-ordered alphabetically as described above.
    • The selected value from Courses displays in read-only format as it does for the other fields that are common to both Courses and Sections.
  • Historical Grades Pages (single entry and multiple entries)
    • Instructional Delivery Method (S_ND_SGR_X.InstDeliveryMethod is added just above Online Authorized Vendor using the same code values as in Courses and Sections.
    • Distance Learning Content Provider  (S_ND_SGR_X.DistLearnContentProv) is added directly below Online Authorized Vendor using the same code values as in Courses and Sections.
    • Validation requires a value for Distance Learning Content Provider when the Instructional Delivery Method = 3 (Online/Computer) or 4 (IVN/Distance Learning).
    • The obsolete "Scanned?" field (S_ND_SGR_X.AB_Final_Mark) is removed from the page.
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