State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-301133 | Data Collection Improvements for North Dakota Staff MIS03 Non-Instructional Course Records | Updates to the North Dakota Staff Information page are now available on both the Admin and Teacher Portal pages. The Non-Instructional Courses panel has been reworked to improve the user experience and navigation. - Non-Instructional Courses are now entered using the New button and can be edited directly from the main Staff Information page by clicking on the pencil icon.
- Once records are created, they display within a grid on the main Staff page.
- The course numbers in the drop-down list are now sorted numerically.
- The course description now displays next to the course number.
PSSR-299070 | New Homeless Verification Report | Homeless Verification Report: Version 22.9.1 A new Homeless Verification is now available on the State Reports page. This report provides a list of students with a Homeless Program record along with related data as of a specified date or a date range. The report can be generated as a PDF or CSV File. - Report Parameters
- Standard selection of schools and students
- Report Date: Choose a Specific Date or a Date Range
- Report Output: Select PDF or CSV
- Selection Criteria
- Effective Date: Students active in the Homeless program on the specified date are included.
- Date Range: Students enrolled for at least one day with a Homeless program record during the specified date range are included. To include all students for the school year, set the End Date to the day after the last day of school.
- Report Elements
- Count: Sequential count of the reported students
- School: Schools.School Name
- Student Number: Students.Student_Number
- Student Name: Students.Last, First, MI
- Grade: Students.Grade_Level
- Homeroom: Students.Home_Room (this field is displayed on the Modify Info page)
- Start Date: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms_C.StartDate
- End Date: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms_C.EndDate
- Exit Reason: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms_C.ExitReasonCode
- Primary Night Res: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms_C.NightTimeRes
- Doubled-Up
- Hotel/Motel
- Shelter
- Unsheltered
- Unaccompanied: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms_C.Unaccompanied
- McKinney Vento Funds: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms_C.McKinney_Vento_Funds
- Family Requests No Services: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms_C.RequestsNoservices
- Comment: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.HomelessComment
- Tutor/Instruc Support: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Tutor_InstrSvcs
- Referrals Health: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Health_Referrals
- Early Childhood: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Early_Childhood
- Parent Education: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Parent_Education
- Clothing: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Clothing
- Referral Oth Prog/Svc: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Refer_Other_PgmSvc
- Coord Schl/Agency: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Coord_Schl_Agency
- Transportation: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Transportation
- Before/After Schl/Summer Prog: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Before_After_Schl_Pgm
- Expedited Eval: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Expedite_Eval
- Domestic Violence: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Domestic_Violence
- Oth Svcs: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Other_Svcs
- Staff Prof Dev: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Staff_Prof_Dev
- Assist Partic Schl Prog: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Assist_Participation
- Counseling: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Counseling
- Records: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Records_Transfer
- School Supplies: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.School_Supplies
- Emergency Assist Schl Attend: S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms.Emer_Assist_Attendance
Additionally, a State Reports link has been added to the left hand navigation bar to reduce clicks when navigating to the State Reports page. |
PSSR-299071 | New Targeted Title I Verification Report | Targeted Title I Verification Report: Version 22.9.1 A new Title I report is now available on the State Reports page. This report provides a list of students with a Targeted Title I Program record along with related data as of a specified date or a date range. The report can be generated as a PDF or CSV File. - Report Parameters
- Standard selection of schools and students
- Report Date: Choose a Specific Date or a Date Range
- Report Output: Select PDF or CSV
- Selection Criteria
- Effective Date: Students active in the Title I program on the specified date are included.
- Date Range: Students enrolled for at least one day with a Title I program record during the specified date range are included. To include all students for the school year, set the End Date to the day after the last day of school.
- Report Elements
- Count: Sequential count of the reported students
- School: Schools.School Name
- Student Number: Students.Student_Number
- Student Name: Students.Last, First, MI
- Grade: Students.Grade_Level
- Homeroom: Students.Home_Room (this field is displayed on the Modify Info page)
- Start Date: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.StartDate
- End Date: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.EndDate
- Exit Reason: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.ExitReasonCode
- Math: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetMath
- Read/ELA: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetLanguageArts
- Science: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetScience
- Soc Studies: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetSocialStudies
- Voc/Career: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetVocational
- Other Instruc Svcs: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetOtherInstructional
- Health/Dental/Eyes: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetHealth
- Guidance: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetGuidance
- Oth Support Svcs: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TargetOtherSupport
- Comment: S_ND_STU_Title1Programs_C.TitleIComment