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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-267391All States/Provinces: Office Visit Stats Health Report Update

Office Visit Stats Report: Version 1.1

The Office Visit Stats report is updated to include the Office Visit records that do not have an Outcome selected.


2020-21 CRDC Data Collection Updates

Updates to the data collection to support 2020-21 CRDC reporting are available. The 2020-21 CRDC reporting updates will be provided in a subsequent release.

  • Summary of Changes
    • Each CRDC page listed below has been updated to reflect the current CRDC questions and reporting elements.
    • Obsolete elements have been removed from the main section of the page and are listed for reference only in the Deprecated Fields panel at the bottom of the page.
    • New elements have been added to the Schools/School Info page as noted.
    • Important: The data entry model for North Dakota has been updated.
      • Wherever North Dakota state fields can be used to derive the data for a CRDC question, verbiage beginning with “North Dakota-specific” displays in italics just below the CRDC question and indicates the source field(s) and logic that will be applied in the CRDC reports.
      • Override fields remain available for most elements, indicated by this verbiage: “To override, select a value.” Any existing values in the override fields from the prior 2017-18 CRDC collection are displayed.
      • Elements with no indication of North Dakota-specific properties must be entered or updated where applicable using the standard CRDC data entry fields provided. Users can begin entering values in these manually coded fields now. Any element left blank will be interpreted as blank/not applicable in the reports.
      • Users should visit each of the CRDC data entry pages listed below to review the elements that will use existing North Dakota-specific fields and to enter or update selections where needed for elements that require manual coding.
  • District > District Info > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
    • Element calculated based on North Dakota-specific data source: DSED-1. Does the LEA have any students enrolled in any distance educational courses?
      Calculated based on students enrolled at any point in the year in classes with Instructional Delivery Method set to 4- IVN/Distance Learning in Sections or Courses.
    • All other LEA questions must be manually coded.
  • District > Schools/School Info > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
    • Element calculated based on North Dakota-specific data sources: PENR-3. Does this school have any students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program?
      Calculated based on students enrolled in classes on snapshot with Credit Type Detail set to Dual Credit (DC) in either Sections or Courses.
    • New CRDC questions for 2020-21: manual entry required
      • DIND: COVID-related Directional Indicators
        • DIND-1. Directional Indicator – Instruction Type
        • DIND-2. Directional Indicator – Virtual Instruction
      • OFFN-5 - OFFN-10: Questions related to the number of incidents committed by Staff and number of allegations against Staff for rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
    • All other School questions must be manually coded.
  • District > Courses > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
    • Elements calculated based on North Dakota-specific data sources
      • DSED-1, DSED-2. Is this a distance education course?
        Calculated based on students enrolled at any point in the year in classes with Instructional Delivery Method set to 4- IVN/Distance Learning in Sections or Courses.
      • PENR-3, PENR-4. Is this a Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit course?
        Calculated based on students enrolled in classes on snapshot with Credit Type Detail set to Dual Credit (DC) in either Sections or Courses.
    • All other course questions not noted above must be manually coded.
  • School > Sections > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
    • Elements calculated based on North Dakota-specific data sources
      • DSED-1, DSED-2. Is this a distance education course?
        Calculated based on students enrolled at any point in the year in classes with Instructional Delivery Method set to 4- IVN/Distance Learning in Sections or Courses.
      • PENR-3, PENR-4. Is this a Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit course?
        Calculated based on students enrolled in classes on snapshot with Credit Type Detail set to Dual Credit (DC) in either Sections or Courses.
    • Overrides are available in Sections for any section exceptions not already coded in District > Courses; otherwise, no additional section-level data entry is required.
  • Student > State/Province – ND > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
    • Elements calculated based on North Dakota-specific data sources
      • DSED-1, DSED-2. Is this a distance education course?
        Calculated based on students enrolled at any point in the year in classes with Instructional Delivery Method set to 4- IVN/Distance Learning in Sections or Courses. To override, select a value.
      • ENRL-2a. Is this student an EL student?
        Calculated based on EL Enrollment Date and Enrolled in EL checkbox selected on the EL/Imm/Ref tab.
      • ENRL-2b. Is this student enrolled in an EL Program? Override is not applicable to this field.
        Calculated based on EL Enrollment Date, Enrolled in EL checkbox selected, and at least one EL Program Enrollment selected on the EL/Imm/Ref tab. Override is not applicable to this field.
      • ENRL-3a. Is this a student with one or more disabilities served under IDEA?
        Calculated based on students with a value in the Serving Special Ed Unit field. To override, select a value.
      • ENRL-3b. Is this a student with disabilities served under Section 504, but not served under IDEA?
        Calculated based on students with a value in the Section 504 field. To override, select a value.
      • PENR-3, PENR-4. Is this a student enrolled in Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit Programs?
        Calculated based on students enrolled in classes on snapshot with Credit Type Detail set to Dual Credit (DC) in either Sections or Courses.
      • APIB-2. Is this a student enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program?
        Calculated based on students enrolled on Snapshot in classes with Credit Type Detail set to International Baccalaureate (IB).
    • All other student questions not noted above must be manually coded if applicable.
  • Staff > Staff Information > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
    • Teacher Certifications in Math and Science must be manually entered.
    • No other staff data collection applies.
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