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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-273161PowerTeacher Seating Chart Update

The PowerTeacher Portal's Seating Chart page is updated and now honors the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-270319MIS03 Staff Data Collection and Verification Report Updates for Non-Instructional Courses and Update to District of Residence Validation

MIS03 Staff Verification Report: Version 21.11.1
The North Dakota MIS03 Staff Data Collection and Verification Report are updated to add support for new non-instructional course records.

  • Data Collection
    • A new S_ND_USR_NONINSTR_CRS_C child table is now available to hold multiple non-instructional course records per staff member with the following columns:
      • YearID
      • Course_Code
      • Other_School
    • The North Dakota Staff Information page is updated to provide a Non-Instructional Courses link.
      • Select the School Year from the dropdown list.
      • Select the appropriate Course Code from the dropdown list.
      • If the course is taught at a different school, enter the County-LEA-School number; otherwise, leave this field blank.
  • MIS03 Staff Verification Report Updates
    • PercentGrades78 now appears as a new column between the existing columns for PercentGrades16 and PercentGrades912.
    • Five sets of new columns are added to the end of the file to hold the Non-Instructional Course records.
  • Additional Update for District of Residence: the field validation for District of Residence on the Student Field Value page is updated to change the data type from numeric to text to support leading zero's.
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