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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-229702Homeless Data Collection Updates

The North Dakota Homeless data collection for students is updated on the State/Province - ND > Homeless tab, and in the Homeless Programs table

  • In order to support historical tracking and changes to Homeless data over time, the fields for Unaccompanied, Family Requests No Services, and Primary Nighttime Residence are moved from the S_ND_STU_X table to the S_ND_STU_HomelessPrograms_C table. Existing data in these fields are automatically migrated into the most recent record in the Homeless Programs table as part of the state reporting installer process.
  • New fields are added to the Homeless Programs collection
    • McKinney-Vento Funds: select the checkbox if this federal funding source is used to provide Homeless services to the student.
    • A new "McKinney-Vento Services Received" panel is added with checkboxes for the following services:
      • Tutoring or other instructional support
      • Referrals for medical, dental and other health services
      • Early childhood programs
      • Parent education related to rights and resources for children
      • Clothing
      • Referral to other programs and services
      • Coordination between schools and agencies
      • Transportation
      • Before-school, after-school, mentoring, summer programs
      • Expedited evaluations
      • Addressing needs related to domestic violence
      • Other services or activities
      • Staff professional development and awareness
      • Assistance with participation in school programs
      • Counseling
      • Obtaining or transferring records necessary for enrollment
      • School supplies
      • Emergency assistance related to school attendance
  • Program Start Date and Primary Nighttime Residence are now required fields; this validation is enforced in all records dated 08/01/2020 and later.
  • The dropdown list for Primary Nighttime Residence now displays in alphabetical order.
  • The summary page on the Homeless tab is updated to include the display of additional fields for Primary Nighttime Residence, McKinney- Vento Funds, Unaccompanied and Family Request No Services.
PSSR-229701New MIS03 Staff Verification Report

MIS03 Staff Verification Report: Version 1.0
A new report is added to the State Reports page to assist North Dakota districts in verifying data for MIS03 Staff reporting. The MIS03 Staff Verification Report provides an extract in CSV format listing all active teachers with key demographics and employment information, along with data related to Position and Responsibility Codes as collected on the North Dakota Staff Information page. For teachers assigned to more than one school, a separate record is reported for each assignment.

PSSR-229699Updates for Calendar and Sections Pages

Start Page > School Setup > Calendar Setup
Start Page > School Setup > Course Selection > Edit Section
The following updates are made:

  • School Calendar: In the header row just under the existing Instructional Minutes Override field, the value from the School Default Instructional Minutes field in District > Schools/School Info is displayed in read-only format.
  • Sections: Distance Learning Content Provider field
    • Just below the existing North Dakota field for Online Authorized Vendor, a new dropdown list field called Distance Learning Content Provider is added with the following options:
      • Central Regional Area Career & Tech Center
      • Southeast Regional Area Career & Tech Center
      • Sheyenne Valley Area Career & Tech Center
      • Fargo Public Schools
      • North Valley Area Career & Tech Center
      • Cass County Area Career & Tech Center
      • Roughrider Area Career & Tech Center
      • Grand Forks Area Career & Tech Center
      • Great Northwest Area Career & Tech Center
      • Lake Area Career & Tech Center
      • Other
    • A conditional validation requires a value in the Distance Learning Content Provider field if the Instructional Delivery Method field for the section equals "3 – Online/Computer" or "4 – IVN/Distance Learning".
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