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School Setup


The following data elements are required for school setup:

  1. On the start page, click School. The Change Schools page appears.
  2. Choose a school from the Schools pop-up menu. The School Setup page appears.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


No. of Clock Hours of Instruction

Enter the number of Clock Hours of Instruction for the course.

Note: The value set at the course level is displayed next to the field. If no value is set at the course level, "Course Value: Blank" is displayed.



Amount of Credit Issued

Enter the amount of credit issued for the section.



Alt. Ed Section

Check if the section is Alternative Ed



Alt. Senior Curr.

Check if the section is Alternative Senior Curriculum



Summer School

Check if the section is Summer School



Total Hours Per Day

Enter the total hours per day for the section



Course Start Time

Enter the section start time



Course End Time

Enter the section end time



Class Type ID

Choose the class type ID from the drop down.



Weeks Per Year

The number of weeks the class is taught during the school year.

S_ND_SEC_X]WeeksPer Year


Minutes Per Week

The number of minutes the class is taught per week



Electronic Media Type Code

Enter the valid value from the drop down.

Valid values:

E – Supervising Teacher

T – Teacher of Record



Delivery Method Type Code

Enter the valid value from the drop down

Valid values:


C - Correspondence

D - Dual Credit




Other School Where Taught

If the class is taught at a school other than the school reporting the personnel, enter the school number of the school the class is taught at (County-District-Plant).



Instructional Delivery Method

Select the instructional delivery method from the dropdown list:

Valid values:

  • Classroom Face-to-Face on High School Campus
  • Classroom Face-to-Face on College Campus
  • Online / Computer
  • IVN/Distance Learning
  • Coursework Sent Through Postal Service

Note: The value set at the course level is displayed next to the field. If no value is set at the course level, "Course Value: Blank" is displayed.



Online Authorized Vendor

Select the authorized online vendor.

Note: The value set at the course level is displayed next to the field. If no value is set at the course level, "Course Value: Blank" is displayed.


Series - Part # of

Enter the part of the series. For example, Part 1 of X.

Note: The value set at the course level is displayed next to the field. If no value is set at the course level, "Course Value: Blank" is displayed.


Series - of # Parts

Enter the total number of parts. For example, Part X of 4.

Note: The value set at the course level is displayed next to the field. If no value is set at the course level, "Course Value: Blank" is displayed.


Course Level

Select the course level from the dropdown level below. The default is General/Regular.

Valid values:

  • G – General/Regular (default)
  • B – Basic/Remedial
  • E – Enriched/Advanced
  • H – Honors
  • X – No specified level

Note: The value set at the course level is displayed next to the field. If no value is set at the course level, "Course Value: Blank" is displayed.


Exclude Section from State Reporting

Select if the section should be excluded from state reporting.

Note: The value set at the course level is displayed next to the field. If no value is set at the course level, "Course Value: Blank" is displayed.


Start Page > School Setup > Calendar Setup

DateThe date is view-only on this page. The days included in the calendar are determined by the start date and end date of current school year.[Calendar_Day]Date
Cycle DayChoose the appropriate cycle day from the pop-up menu.[Calendar_Day]Cycle_Day_ID
Bell ScheduleChoose the appropriate bell schedule from the pop-up menu.[Calendar_Day]Bell_Schedule_ID
School In-SessionSelect the checkbox to count the calendar day in attendance calculation.[Calendar_Day]InSession
Membership Value

Enter the membership value for the calendar day to use when calculating membership.

Note: The value is normally 1 for each day.

Instructional Minutes OverrideEnter the number of instructional minutes for days that are exceptions to the default defined at District Office > School Setup > [Select a School] [S_ND_CLD_C]Schl_Instr_Minutes_Ovr
Track Instructional Minutes OverridesClick the pencil icon, and click New to create an override record. Select a track, and enter the number of track instructional minutes for days that are exceptions to the default defined at District Office > School Setup > [Select a School] > Track Default Instructional Minutes > New/ Edit. Click the Pencil icon to edit an existing track's instructional minutes override.



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