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S_ND_USR_X (ver 15.11.0)

This table is an extension of the [USERS] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Foreign Key

BachelorDegreeCountry23.1.2Varchar2(4)Bachelor Degree Country.
BachelorDegreeInstCode15.11.0Number(11,0)Bachelor Degree Educational Institution Code.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_BachelorDegreeInstCode]
BachelorDegreeYear15.11.0Number(11,0)Bachelor Degree Year Received.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_BachelorDegreeYear]
DaysContractPeriod22.5.2Varchar2(3)Days Contract Period. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
FirstYearTeacher24.3.1Number(1,0)First Year Teacher.
HighestDegreeCountry23.1.2Varchar2(4)Highest Degree Country.
HighestDegreeHours15.11.0Number(23,10)Highest Degree Graduate Semester Hours.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_HighestDegreeHours]
HighestDegreeInstCode15.11.0Number(11,0)Highest Degree Educational Institution Code.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_HighestDegreeInstCode]
HighestDegreeTypeCode15.11.0Varchar2(2)Highest Degree Educational Degree Type Code.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_HighestDegreeTypeCode]
HighestDegreeYear15.11.0Number(11,0)Highest Degree Year Received.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_HighestDegreeYear]
LEPPlanManager22.5.2Number(1,0)LEP Plan Manager. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
Maiden_Name17.11.0Varchar2(25)The Maiden Name for the staff member (if applicable).
MandatedReportingTraining24.3.1Number(1,0)Mandated Reporting Training Completion.
NonLicensedNumber15.11.0Varchar2(7)Non-licensed Staff PER2 Number.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_NonLicensedNumber]
PositionCodeMajor22.5.2Varchar2(2)Position Code Major. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PositionCodeOther122.5.2Varchar2(2)Position Code Other 1. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PositionCodeOther222.5.2Varchar2(2)Position Code Other 2. Migrated from S_ND_SSF_X.PositionIDOther2.
PositionCodeOther322.5.2Varchar2(2)Position Code Other 3. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PositionCodeOther422.5.2Varchar2(2)Position Code Other 4. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentDevotedKinder22.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Devoted to Kindergarten. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentDevotedSpecEd22.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Devoted to Special Education. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentGrades1423.1.2Number(11,0)Percent Grades 1 thru 4.
PercentGrades1622.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Grades 1 thru 6. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentGrades523.1.2Number(11,0)Percent Grades 5.
PercentGrades623.1.2Number(11,0)Percent Grades 6.
PercentGrades7822.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Grades 7 and 8. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentGrades91222.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Grades 9 thru 12. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentTimeMajor22.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Time Major. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentTimeOther122.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Time Other 1. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentTimeOther222.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Time Other 2. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentTimeOther322.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Time Other 3. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PercentTimeOther422.5.2Number(11,0)Percent Time Other 4. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
PreviousEmployment15.11.0Varchar2(1)Previous Employment Type Code.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_PreviousEmployment]
ResponsibilityCodeMajor22.5.2Varchar2(3)Responsibility Code Major. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
ResponsibilityCodeOther122.5.2Varchar2(3)Responsibility Code Other 1. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
ResponsibilityCodeOther222.5.2Varchar2(3)Responsibility Code Other 2. Migrated from S_ND_SSF_X.ResponsibilityIDOther2..
ResponsibilityCodeOther322.5.2Varchar2(3)Responsibility Code Other 3. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
ResponsibilityCodeOther422.5.2Varchar2(3)Responsibility Code Other 4. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
Salary22.5.2Number(11,0)Salary of the Staff Member. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
SchoolYearPeriod22.5.2Varchar2(1)School Year Period. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
TeacherLicenseNumber15.11.0Varchar2(9)Teacher License Number.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_TeacherLicenseNumber]
TeacherSubmissionDate22.5.2DateTeacher Submission Date. Migrated from the same field in the S_ND_SSF_X table.
YearsAdminExperience15.11.0Number(11,0)Years Administration Experience.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_YearsAdminExperience]
YearsEdExperience15.11.0Number(11,0)Years Educational Experience.  Migrated from [SchoolStaff.ND_YearsEdExperience]
State_ExcludeFromReporting17.11.0Number(1,0)Indicates is the Staff member is excluded from state reporting.
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