S_ND_SEC_X (ver 17.4.0)
This table is an extension of the [SECTIONS] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
SectionsDCID | 15.10.0 | Number(10,0) | Foreign Key |
AltProgram | 15.10.0 | Number(1,0) | Alt. Ed Section. Migrated from [Sections.AltProgram]. |
AltSeniorCurr | 15.10.0 | Number(1,0) | Alt. Senior Curr. Migrated from [Sections.AltSeniorCurr]. |
AuthorizedVendor | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(3) | Online Authorized Vendor. Migrated from [Sections.AuthorizedVendor]. |
ClassTypeID | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(2) | Class Type ID. Migrated from [Sections.ClassTypeID]. |
ClockHours | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(5) | No. of Clock Hours of Instruction. Migrated from [Sections.ClockHours]. |
CourseEndTime | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(8) | Course End Time. Migrated from [Sections.CourseEndTime]. |
CourseLevel | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(3) | Course Level. Migrated from [Sections.CourseLevel]. |
CourseStartTime | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(8) | Course Start Time. Migrated from [Sections.CourseStartTime]. |
CreditHours | 15.10.0 | Number(25,10) | Amount of Credit Issued. Migrated from [Sections.CreditHours]. |
Credit_Type_Detail | 20.8.2 | Varchar2(2) | Credit Type Detail |
DeliveryMethodType | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(2) | Delivery Method Type. Migrated from [Sections.DeliveryMethodType]. |
DistLearnContentProv | | Varchar2(30) | Distance Learning Content Provider. |
DualCredit | 17.4.0 | Varchar2(2) | Dual Credit Field. Deprecated as of the March 2021 release; this data element is now captured exclusively in the Credit Type Detail field using code "DC." |
ElectronicMediaType | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(2) | Electronic Media Type. Migrated from [Sections.ElectronicMediaType]. |
ExcludeFromStateReporting | 15.10.0 | Number(1,0) | Exclude from State Reporting. Migrated from [Sections.ExcludeFromStateReporting]. |
InstDeliveryMethod | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(1) | Instructional Delivery Method. Migrated from [Sections.InstDeliveryMethod]. |
MinutesPerWeek | 15.10.0 | Number(11,0) | Minutes per Week. Migrated from [Sections.MinutesPerWeek]. |
OtherSchoolTaught | 15.10.0 | Varchar2(11) | Other School Where Taught. Migrated from [Sections.OtherSchoolTaught]. |
SeriesPart1 | 15.10.0 | Number(11,0) | Series - Part # of. Migrated from [Sections.SeriesPart1]. |
SeriesPart2 | 15.10.0 | Number(11,0) | Series - of # Parts. Migrated from [Sections.SeriesPart2]. |
SummerSchool | 15.10.0 | Number(1,0) | Summer School. Migrated from [Sections.SummerSchool]. |
TotalHoursPerDay | 15.10.0 | Number(25,10) | Total Hours per Day. Migrated from [Sections.TotalHoursPerDay]. |
WeeksPerYear | 15.10.0 | Number(11,0) | Weeks Per Year. Migrated from [Sections.WeeksPerYear]. |