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S_ND_REN_X (ver 15.10.0)

This table is an extension of the [REENROLLMENTS] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Foreign Key

AltEd15.10.0Number(1,0)Alt Ed.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_AltEd].
AsseDate15.10.0DateNo longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
ILPDate15.10.0DateILP Date.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_ILPDate].
ParentRefused15.10.0Number(1,0)Parent Refused ELL Services.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_ParentRefused].
ProgramSectionCode15.10.0Varchar2(5)Program Section Code.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_ProgramSectionCode].
Section50420.7.2.0Number(1,0)Section 504.
TeacLiceNum15.10.0Varchar2(9)Teacher License Number.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_TeacLiceNum].
XferFromCity15.10.0Varchar2(30)Transfer from City.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_XferFromCity].
XferFromSchool19.2.0Varchar2(100)Transfer from School.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_XferFromSchool]; Updated in February 2019 to increase length from 30 characters to 100 characters.
XferFromState15.10.0Varchar2(2)Transfer from State.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_XferFromState].
XferToCity15.10.0Varchar2(30)Transfer to City.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_XferToCity].
XferToSchool19.2.0Varchar2(100)Transfer to School.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_XferToSchool]; Updated in February 2019 to increase length from 30 characters to 100 characters.
XferToState15.10.0Varchar2(2)Transfer to State.  Migrated from [ReEnrollments.ND_XferToState].
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