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Understanding the Setup Table

Each setup table may include some or all of the following elements. Reports will not display elements that are not pertinent to that report.

  • Navigation – "Breadcrumbs" are used to show the path to the data entry page as listed on the page in PowerSchool.

Example: Courses > Edit Course District Information.
Each ">" indicates a new page or link.

Note: The first page in the navigation is Start Page. This page name is removed for brevity.

  • Data Element – The name of the field as it appears on the page.
  • Additional Information – Guidance for correct data entry.
  • [Table] – The name of the table where the data is stored.
  • Field Name – The name of the field where the data is stored.

Note: The Table name appears in brackets with the Field Name directly following. Example: [Table]FieldName.

  • Length – The length (in characters) of the data to be entered, as defined by the state.


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