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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


NCEA Data Collection Updates to Support 2021-22 NCEA Databank Reporting

Data collection updates on the PowerSchool NCEA pages are now available for Catholic schools and dioceses to support the announced changes for the 2021-2022 NCEA Databank reporting collection. Obsolete fields and questions have been removed, and new fields and questions are now available.

  • Important: These updates are for the data collection only. Subsequent releases in September 2021 will include the changes to the School and Diocese reports as well as the Student and Faculty Detail Verification Reports.

  • District > District Setup > District Information > Diocese Information for NCEA Reporting: Five new fields are added; no fields were removed. The Diocese-level elements are stored in the Prefs table.

    • Has your diocese hired a new superintendent since last school year? (NCEA_NewSuper_TF)

    • Principal Retention Elements

      • Number of principals who led the same school both last year and this year (NCEA_Princ_Both_Yrs_Elem and NCEA_Princ_Both_Yrs_Sec)

      • Number of principals who led the school last year and who did not return in the Fall this year for reasons other than retirement (NCEA_Princ_Not_Return_Elem and NCEA_Princ_Not_Return_Sec)

  • School > School Setup > General > School Information for NCEA Reporting: Multiple changes are implemented, and the presentation of the elements has been enhanced. The School-level elements are stored in the NCEA extension table of the Schools table, S_SCH_NCEA_X.

    • Obsolete Elements Removed

      • Applied for E-Rate discount (ERateApplied_TF)

      • Students have access to internet (InternetAccess_TF)

      • School offers subsidized transportation services (OffersSubsidizedTrans_TF)

    • Code Table and Field Label Updates

      • School Location: new code (V) Virtual added (Location).

      • School offers Title I services: label change to “School receives Title I services”; the database column name renames the same (OffersTitleI_TF).

      • Received E-Rate discount: label change to “School received E-rate telecom discounts last school year”; the database column name renames the same (ERateReceived_TF).

    • New Elements Added

      • School receives Title II services (ReceivesTitleII_TF)

      • School receives Title III services (ReceivesTitleIII_TF)

      • School receives Title IV services ((ReceivesTitleIV_TF)

      • School offers a Dual Language Immersion program (Dual_Lang_Imm_TF)

      • School offers an International Baccalaureate program (IB_Prog_TF)

      • Number of Staff by Type

        • President/Head of School (Staff_Pres)

        • Principal (Staff_Princ)

        • Assistant Principals (Staff_Asst_Princ)

        • Guidance Counselors (Staff_Guid_Cnslr)

        • Teachers (Staff_Teacher)

        • Teacher Assistant/Instructional Aide (Staff_Teacher_Asst_Aide)

        • Other Staff (Staff_Other)

      • Teacher Retention Elements

        • Number of teachers who taught at your school both last year and this year (Teacher_Both_Yrs)

        • Number of teachers who taught at your school last year who did not return in the Fall this year for reasons other than retirement (Teacher_Not_Return)

  • Select Student(s) > Information > NCEA Student Information: Multiple changes are implemented. The Student-level elements are stored in the NCEA extension table of the Students table, S_STU_NCEA_X.

    • Obsolete Elements Removed

      • Student receives free/reduced meals (FederalNutrition)

      • Student receives subsidized transportation (SubsidizedTrans_TF)

    • Field Label Change

      • Enrolled in Title I: label change to “Receives Title I Services”; the database field name remains the same (TitleI_TF).

      • This field is automatically set to “Not Offered” if the corresponding School-level checkbox field for “School offers Title I services” is unchecked.

    • New Elements Added

      • Eligible for Title I Services (TitleI_Eligible_TF)

        • This field applies to students who are eligible for Title I services but are not receiving those services.

        • Data entry validations do not allow both the “eligible” and “receives” checkboxes to be selected.

      • Receives free/reduced meals (FederalNutrition_TF)

        • This field is automatically set to “Not Offered” if the corresponding School-level checkbox field for “School offers federal nutrition programs” is unchecked.

      • Eligible for free/reduced meals (FederalNutrition_Elig_TF)

        • This field applies to students who are eligible for Federal Nutrition services but are not receiving those services.

        • Data entry validations do not allow both the “eligible” and “receives” checkboxes to be selected.

      • Funding through a parental choice program (Parental_Choice_TF)

      • International student with visa (Intl_Visa_TF)

  • Select Staff > NCEA Faculty Information: There are no data collection changes to the NCEA Staff page. The Staff-level elements are stored in the NCEA extension tables of the Users and SchoolStaff tables: S_USR_NCEA_X and S_SSF_NCEA_X.

  • Accessing System Help and Documentation for NCEA Data Collection and Reporting: Follow the links below to ensure the NCEA Plug-in is enabled, and to review the required data entry Setup for all fields used in NCEA reporting. The NCEA extension tables are included in the All States Data Dictionary.

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