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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Common Follow-up System Collection - Exception Report CFS-10 Update

The following updates are done for the Exception Report CFS-10:

  1. First Name and Last Name data is fetched from Legal name fields.

  2. Student Number (students.STUDENT_NUMBER) column is added.

  3. Grade Level (students.GRADE_LEVEL) column is added.


Common Follow-up System Collection - Exception Report CFS-11 Update

The following updates are done for the Exception Report CFS-11:

  1. First Name and Last Name data is fetched from Legal name fields.

  2. Student Number (students.STUDENT_NUMBER) column is added.

  3. Grade Level (students.GRADE_LEVEL) column is added.


PMR Summary Report Update For PK Students

Average Daily Membership (ADM) calculation is added to the Principal’s Monthly Report Summary View for Pre-K students and updates the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) as N/A (Not Applicable).

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