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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-300024Common Follow-up System Collection

Beta feedback issue related to duplicate student and invalid retention data is fixed.

PSSR-296538CFS System Courses Report Changes

CFS System Courses Report

The Academic_Level field will pull the data from S_NC_COURSEINFO.ACADEMIC_PROGRAM_INDICATOR, per NCDPI requirement. Additionally, the report name: "Common Follow-Up System Courses" changed to "Student Course Report".

PSSR-289643CFS - New Student Enrollment Report

CFS Student Enrollment Report: Version 1.0

The CFS Student Enrollment Report is available at both School and LEA levels, per requirements. This report pulls the student enrollment information for students in grades 9 - 13 for the CFS submission.

PSSR-289642CFS New Student Demographic Report

Common Follow-up System Collection: Version 2.4

The new Student Demographic report is added to the CFS collection at both the school and the LEA level. This report pulls the student demographic information for students in grades 9 - 13 for the CFS submission.

PSSR-289638CFS - Student Course Report Updates

The CFS Student Course Report displays the new field for School Number in the location per requirements. The columns were also updated to reflect accurately the requirements per NCDPI.

PSSR-289637CFS - Hide the Detail and Summary Report Views

The CFS Detail and Summary View are removed from the dashboard collection views at both School and LEA levels.

PSSR-282495CFS Report Logic Updates from Previous Year Collection

Common Follow-Up System Collection

The CTE Participant Indicator and CTE Concentrator Met columns are pulled from the previous years CTE report tables, the logic has been updated per business notes in requirements. Additional requests are as follows:

  • Career Plan - Change the header to Cluster Code and update logic per requirements
  • Career Plan Description - Change header to Cluster Description and update logic per requirements
  • Student Names should be pulled from Student Legal Name fields for CFS
  • Academic Level source should be S_NC_COURSEINFO.academic_level_code has been updated in subsequent CFS tickets to a new source
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