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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-289164CTE Concentrator Calculation Update for Override Logic

CTE Concentrator Calculation (CTE): Version 1.7

The CTE reports now have an Override option. The Override can be imported as either a value of Y = Concentrator Met or N= Concentrator Not Met (N reverts a previous Concentrator Met Indicator). The Override column value on the report output is either ‘Y' or ‘Null’ with the 'Y’ value indicating an override was imported.

If an override value is imported as 'Y' then the CTE reports display a cluster/path Concentrator Met even if the student was not enrolled in a CTE course for that cluster/path.

PSSR-279119CTE Concentrator Calculation Update for Override Logic

CTE Concentrator Calculation (CTE): Version 1.7

The CTE reports reflect Override indicators as well as Concentrator met accurately with overrides considered for the path that has been overridden, per requirement.

PSSR-283946CTE Concentrator Calculation Update for Transferred Out Students

CTE Concentrator Calculation (CTE): Version 1.7

Students that transfer out of a school should not appear on any CTE reports at the school level, except the Five Year CTE Concentrator Report.

PSSR-289167CTE Concentrator Updated Logic
  1. CTE Potentials Logic Update: A student is considered "+" Potential for a cluster/path only if a Group Level 6 course is in progress and also its prerequisite course(s) have been completed.
  2. Covid Course Logic Update: Covid courses are indicated by the 7th Char ‘Z' in the course code. In addition, final grade conditions are no longer just ‘PC19’ or numeric.
PSSR-279120CTE Report View Column Updates

CTE Concentrator Calculation Report: Version 1.0

CTE ECS and OCS Exclusions Report: Version 1.0

CTE Concentrator Completion Status: Version 1.0

CTE Five Year CTE Concentrator Extract: Version 1.0

New columns have been added to the indicated reports. Report columns have also been reordered per NCDPI request.

Updates are as follows:

Concentrator Calculation Report:

  • Removed the School Name column
  • Added the following columns:
    • School Year
    • Race/Ethnicity column

ECS and OCS Exclusions Report:

  • Added the following columns:
    • Override
    • School Year
    • Race/Ethnicity column

Concentrator Completion Status:

  • Added the following columns:
    • Concentrator
    • Override
    • School Year
    • ECS/OCS Flag
    • Race/Ethnicity

Five Year CTE Concentrator Extract:

  • Added the following columns:
    • School Year
    • Override
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