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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-300805NC10 SMR# CRDC-2a

CRDC-2a update is done on current Section 504 only status calculations to use logic "Section 504 only status (Fall Snapshot)" for fall snapshot data only.

PSSR-300777NC10 SMR# CRDC-8

Added a fix to PENR-3 to calculate only from students enrolled in dual credit courses.
Also made changes for PENR-3 and PENR-4 to include grades 9-12, grade 13, UG (Ungraded) high school-age students, and grade XG. This is added back to the school submission report.

PSSR-300778NC10 SMR# CRDC-View-1

Changes are completed for the School Level Validation Report CRDC Student Detail, Admission and Withdraw, to include no-shows before the beginning of school (where entry and exit date are the same), which will be July 1 - June 30, and mid-year grade change enrollment records.

  • UPDATE Description of the View
  • REMOVE IDEA column
  • REMOVE Section 504 column
  • REMOVE EL Program column
  • ADD Enrollment Status Column (this is the student Admission Status: example: MST1)

Added 61 new columns into the S_NC_LEP_PROFDEV_S table.


Added 16 new columns into the S_NC_STU_GS_STUDENT_C table.

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