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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-257368All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preference link Is Visible on Public Portal When Disabled

Digital Equity and Learning Preference public portal data entry has been updated and will no longer be visible when the district-level preference has not been enabled. Additionally, when enabled, the icon in the public portal will display on the left navigation bar as expected.

PSSR-251616All States/Provinces: Clock In / Clock Out Report Completes Successfully

Clock In / Clock Out Report: Version 1.2

The Clock In/Clock Out Report completes successfully for schools with multiple FTE's.

PSSR-247684AMC Submission Window Update

The new requested submission window for AMC is now in place.

  • Submission Start - September 25
  • Submission Ends - October 10
PSSR-230145AMC Summary By District - Placed in Advanced Math - New Report

AMC Summary By District - Placed in Advanced Math

New AMC Summary By District - Placed in Advanced Math report has been created for AMC Collection.

PSSR-255394CFU Rename Collections and Update Titles
  • Title “Common Follow Up Data Collection” changed to “Common Follow-up System Collection”
  • “CFU Views” changed to “CFS Views”
  • “CFU Exceptions” changed to “CFS Exceptions”
  • “Common Follow Up Summary” changed to “Common Follow-up System Summary”
  • “Common Follow Up Detail” changed to “Common Follow-up System Detail”
  • “Common Follow Up Courses” changed to “Common Follow-up System Courses”
PSSR-253896CTE Concentrator Calculation Report

CTE Concentrator Calculation: Version 1.0

The School Name field is added in the Concentrator Calculation Report at the school and LEA level.

PSSR-247529CTE Collection - Concentrator Calculation - New Report

Report - CTE Concentrator Calculation: Version 1.0
School Data View - Concentrator Calculation
LEA Data View - Concentrator Calculation

For the CTE Collection in the State Dashboard, a new report view for Concentrator Calculation is added. This report is for students who have successfully completed or are projected to complete an approved Career Pathway.

Includes school data view fields:

  • School Number
  • Student Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Grade
  • Sex
  • OCS/ECS Flag (Y/N)
  • Career Cluster
  • Career Pathway
  • Concentrator (Y/N)
  • Override (Y/N)

Includes LEA data view fields:

  • School Number
  • Career Cluster
  • Career Pathway
  • Grade
  • Total+
PSSR-247549CTE Collection - ECS and OCS Exclusions Report

CTE ECS and OCS Exclusions: Version 1.0
School Data View: ECS and OCS Exclusions

For the CTE Collection in the State Dashboard, a new report view for ECS and OCS Exclusions is added.

Students with a designation of "O - Future Ready Occupational Course of Study: Leading to a NC Diploma" or "E - Extended Content Standards: Leading to Graduation Certificate" as their EC Designated Course of Study are excluded from the concentrator calculation.

Includes school data view fields:

  • School Number
  • Student Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Grade
  • Sex
  • OCS/ECS Flag
  • Career Cluster
  • Career Pathway
  • Concentrator (Y/N)
PSSR-246206CTE Concentrator Calculation (CTE)

CTE Concentrator Calculation (CTE): Version 1.0

A new CTE report is created in the NC state dashboard.

PSSR-247566CTE New Associated Pathway Courses Report

CTE Associated Pathway Courses: Version 1.0

A new report view, Associated Pathway Courses, is created under the CTE views category.

PSSR-247567CTE New Associated Supplemental and Major Courses Report

CTE Associated Supplemental and Major Courses: Version 1.0

A new report view, Associated Supplemental and Major Courses, is created under the CTE views category.

PSSR-247565CTE New Concentrator Completion Status Report

CTE Concentrator Completion Status: Version 1.0

A new report view, Concentrator Completion Status, is created under the CTE Validations category.

PSSR-255011CTE Update Logic to Consider New COVID Final Grade Code and Half Credits

CTE logic has been updated for the new COVID final grade (PC19) code and half credits.

  • In case a course has a half credit for a particular cluster and pathway, then it should sum half credit of the other course if it has “Z“ as the seventh character in course number within the same pathway.
  • If the grade is PC19 and it has 0.5 credit then it is considered as 1 credit.
PSSR-240123DROP - Final Dropout Verification Detail Report at LEA and School Level - Update to Include New XG Grade Level

Dropout Data Collection: Version 1.0

The Final Dropout Verification Detail Report at LEA and School Level views has been updated to include the new XG grade Level (-9).

PSSR-240121DROP - Final Dropout Verification Report LEA and School Level - Update to Include New XG Grade Level

Dropout Data Collection: Version 1.0

The Final Dropout Verification Report at LEA and School Level View has been updated to include the new XG grade level (-9).

PSSR-240102DROP - Potential Dropout Match Report at LEA and School Level - Update to Include New XG Grade Level

Dropout Data Collection, version 1.0

The Potential Dropout Match Report at LEA and School Level View has been updated to include the new XG grade Level (-9).

PSSR-240124DROP - Summary by Sex/Ethnicity Report at LEA and School Level - Update to Include New XG Grade Level

Dropout Data Collection: Version 1.0

The Summary by Sex/Ethnicity at LEA and School Level views have been updated to include the new XG grade Level (-9).

PSSR-240117DROP – Completers That Failed to Return at LEA and School Level – Update to Include New XG Grade Level

Dropout Data Collection: Version 1.0

The Completers That Failed to Return at LEA and School Level View has been updated to include the new XG grade level (-9).

PSSR-249998EOY Pre-Validation (EPV) - Report Run Tables

EOY Pre-Validation (EPV): Version 1.0

Two new run tables ( S_NC_RPT_EPV_STUDENTS and S_NC_RPT_EPV_SCHOOLS) have been created and will be used in the EOY collection reports.

PSSR-252173EPV - Incorrect School for Graduates

Incorrect School for Graduates: Version 1.0

A new exception report, Incorrect School for Graduates, is created for the EPV collection.

PSSR-256292EPV - Last Run Date Report

EPV Last Run Date: Version 1.0

EPV Last Run Date report view is created at the LEA level.

PSSR-252228EPV - Next Year Grade Invalid for Next Year School

Next Year Grade Invalid for Next Year School: Version 1.0

A new exception report, Next Year Grade Invalid for Next Year School, is created for the EPV collection.

PSSR-252229EPV - Next Year School Not in District

Next Year School Not in District: Version 1.0

A new exception report, Next Year School Not in District, is created for the EPV collection.

PSSR-252232EPV - No Next Year School Terms Report

EPV Exceptions Report: Version 1.0

A new exception report, No Next Year School Terms, is created for the EPV collection.

PSSR-252233EPV - Students with Invalid Demotion Code Report

EPV Exceptions Report: Version 1.0

A new exception report, Students with Invalid Demotion Code, is created for EPV collection.

PSSR-252234EPV - Students with Invalid Graduation Grade Report

EPV Exceptions Report: Version 1.0

A new report, Students with Invalid Graduation Grade, displays a list of students who are graduates who have a graduation grade of anything other than "99".

PSSR-252230EPV No Next Year Grade Level Report

No Next Year Grade Level: Version 1.0

A new exception report, No Next Year Grade Level, is created for the EPV collection.

PSSR-252231 EPV No Next Year School Report

EPV Exceptions Report: Version 1.0

A new exception report, No Next Year School, is created for the EPV collection.

PSSR-256036Extended Schema Update (COVID)

A new extended schema table, S_NC_COVID_ATT_S, is added.

PSSR-239871NC - Advanced Mathematics Course Enrollment (AMC)

Advanced Mathematics Course Enrollment (AMC): Version 1.0

The AIG status logic has been updated. Additionally, corrected a typo on Middle School Advanced Math course.

PSSR-251157NC - CTE Extended Schema Update for CTE Code Lookups

NCDPI has requested a new table be added to the state schema. The new table is an independent (standalone) table with the name: S_NC_CTE_CODES_S

PSSR-229540New Advanced Mathematics Course Enrollment (AMC) Report

Advanced Mathematics Course Enrollment (AMC): Version1.0

A new Advanced Mathematics Course Enrollment (AMC) Report is now available.

PSSR-230130New AMC Detail By School Report

AMC Detail By School Report: Version 1.0

A new AMC Detail By School Report has been created for the AMC Collection.

PSSR-229668New AMC Report Table Created

A new table, S_NC_RPT_AMC, is created for the AMC Report.

PSSR-230144New AMC Summary By District - Not Placed in Advanced Math Report

AMC Summary By District - Not Placed in Advanced Math Report: Version 1.0

A new AMC Summary By District - Not Placed in Advanced Math report has been created for the AMC Collection.

PSSR-230143New AMC Summary By School - Not Placed in Advanced Math Report

AMC Summary By School - Not Placed in Advanced Math Report: Version 1.0

A new AMC Summary By School - Not Placed in Advanced Math report has been created for the AMC Collection.

PSSR-230132New AMC Summary By School - Placed in Advanced Math Report

AMC Summary By School - Placed in Advanced Math: Version 1.0

A new AMC Summary By School - Placed in Advanced Math report has been created for the AMC Collection.

PSSR-246211New CTE Report Collection Tables Created

Two new tables are created for the CTE report collection: S_NC_RPT_CTE_STUDENTS and S_NC_RPT_CTE_COURSES.

PSSR-249997New EOY Pre-Validation (EPV)

EOY Pre-Validation (EPV): Version 1.0

A new EOY Pre-Validation collection is created on the NC state reporting dashboard.

PSSR-230150New Exception Report

AMC1 Student Missing Key Demographics: Version 1.0

The above exception report has been created and is available whenever there is an exception raised.

PSSR-230151New Exception Report - AMC2

AMC2 Eligible Students Not Currently Enrolled in Advanced Math Course: Version 1.0

A new AMC2 Exception Report has been created. This report is available whenever an exception is raised.

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