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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-223899ALOT: Collection 

School Allotment Child Count Transfer (ALOT): Version 1.0
The ALOT report displays in the correct school that the transfer student is assigned, and not the FTE School.

PSSR-212767ALOT: New Data Collection on SR Dashboard

Data collection for ALOT reporting is now available on the State Reporting dashboard.

PSSR-212636ALOT: New Tables

Additional Reference: PSSR-212764, PSSR-258716

The following new tables are created:

  • S_NC_STU_EC_HEADCOUNT_C - stores ALOT headcount files from previous years data
  • S_NC_RPT_ALOT - stores ALOT report data
PSSR-219407ALOT: Updated Logic for Collection 

School Allotment Child Count Transfer (ALOT): Version 1.0

The requested new logic for the ALOT Collection has been integrated for multiple transfer students.

PSSR-212845ALOT: New Report for Child Count View By District

The new ALOT: Child Count View By District report is now available on the dashboard at LEA level.

PSSR-212844ALOT: New Report for Child Count View By School

The new ALOT: Child Count View By School report is now available on the dashboard.

PSSR-214187ALOT: Updated Logic for Collection 

The requested updated logic for out of district students has been integrated.

PSSR-247683ALOT: School Allotment Child Count Transfer (ALOT) 

Additional Reference: PSSR-277108, PSSR-270732, PSSR-269984
School Allotment Child Count Transfer (ALOT): Version 1.0

  • Information about ALOT students that have transferred out of the LEA to other Charters, Charter to Charter, or Charter to LEA is now available in the ALOT Collection.
  • The 60th day is now calculated from the school start date and includes weekends. The student’s exit date is not included in the Number of Days Enrolled column.
  • Multiple transfers within the first 60 days of school will display multiple rows for a student. Number of Days Missed and the number of Days Enrolled display for each transfer.
  • Number of Days Missed (Transfers In Only) and Number of Days Enrolled (Transfers out Only) logic is updated for the ALOT collection.
  • Submission dates and report names are changed.
PSSR-276951CRDC: Gender Fields Updated to Sex on CRDC Pages and Reports

All Gender labels on the CRDC user interface pages have been updated to use ‘Sex’ instead of ‘Gender’, as per the new requirements.

PSSR-277111CRDC: PowerSchool CRDC Preview Report

PowerSchool CRDC Preview Report: Version 1.4

The CRDC Validation reports now include a Cross Enrolled course only if it is a CRDC related course.

PSSR-266152Retention/Promotion Data Collection

Retention/Promotion Data Collection: Version 1.1

The detail report now reports the Summer School column as NC-Summer School if a student is enrolled in the NC-Summer School special program and the LOCS indicator is not present for the student.

PSSR-262204RPG SY21-22 Report Updates

RPG Detail View displays a new column that indicates the Mid-Year Status.

Values displayed:

  • MY
  • RTA
PSSR-233662Translate all Gender Labels on State Reports to Sex

Updated Gender to Sex for view names, descriptions, and field names on the following:

  • CRDC Report - Part 1
  • CRDC Report - Part 2
  • Principal's Monthly Report (PMR) (1 - 9)
  • Retention/Promotion/Graduation Data Collection
  • Dropout Data Collection
  • SAR Data Collection
  • Common FollowUp Data Collection
  • Fall AIG Headcount
  • Spring AIG Headcount
  • Preliminary Graduation Data Verification Report
  • Final Graduation Data Verification Report
  • Discipline Report
  • Alternative Learning Program Report
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