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This table is a stand alone table that stores detail information about UserID imports performed by the state.

Column Name


Data Type


ALTERNATE_ID 13.6.0 Varchar2(50)
ALTERNATE_LAST_NAME 13.6.0 Varchar2(60)The alternate last name for the student.
ALTERNATE_SOURCE 13.6.0 Varchar2(60)
CURRENT_DISTRICT_CODE 13.6.0 Varchar2(20)The district code where the student is currently enrolled.
CURRENT_GRADE_LEVEL 13.6.0 Varchar2(2)The current grade level of the student.
CURRENT_SCHOOL_CODE 13.6.0 ClobThe current school code where the student is enrolled.
CURRENT_SCHOOL_CODE_2 13.6.0 Varchar2(20)
CURRENT_SCHOOL_YEAR 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)The current school year.
CUSTOMER_DEFINED_FIELD_1 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)
CUSTOMER_DEFINED_FIELD_2 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)
CUSTOMER_DEFINED_FIELD_3 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)
CUSTOMER_DEFINED_FIELD_4 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)
CUSTOMER_DEFINED_FIELD_5 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)
CUSTOMER_DEFINED_FIELD_6 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)
CUSTOMER_DEFINED_FIELD_7 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)
CUSTOMER_DEFINED_FIELD_8 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)
DOB 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)The student Date of birth.
ERROR_DETAIL 13.6.0 Varchar2(255)
ETHNICITY_INDICATOR 13.6.0 Varchar2(4)The Hispanic/Latino code for the student.
FIRST_NAME 13.6.0 Varchar2(60)The student's first name.
GENDER 13.6.0 Varchar2(6)The student's gender.
ID 13.6.0 Number(11,0)Primary key
LAST_NAME 13.6.0 Varchar2(60)The student's last name.
LOCAL_STUDENT_ID 13.6.0 Varchar2(20)The local student Number.
MIDDLE_NAME 13.6.0 Varchar2(60)

The student's middle name.

NAME_SUFFIX 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)The generation description for the student.
RACE_2_CODE 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)Indicates a second race code if applicable.
RACE_3_CODE 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)Indicates a third race code if applicable.
RACE_4_CODE 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)Indicates a fourth race code if applicable.
RACE_5_CODE 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)Indicates a fifth race code if applicable.
RACE_ETHNICITY 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)The student's first race code.
RECORD_REFERENCE_Number 13.6.0 Varchar2(12)
RECORD_STATUS 13.6.0 Varchar2(255)
RECORD_TYPE 13.6.0 Clob
RECORD_TYPE_2 13.6.0 Varchar2(2)
RECORD_UPDate_Date 13.6.0 Varchar2(10)
RESERVED_BOOLEAN 13.6.0 Number(1,0)
RESERVED_Date 13.6.0 Date
RESERVED_DOUBLE 13.6.0 Number(25,10)
RESERVED_INTEGER 13.6.0 Number(11,0)
RESERVED_STRING 13.6.0 Varchar2(100)
RESIDENT_DISTRICT_CODE_2 13.6.0 Varchar2(20)
SSN 13.6.0 Varchar2(11)Indicates the social security Number of the student.
STATE_ID 13.6.0 Varchar2(25)Indicates the state student Number of the student.
S_NC_UID_BATCH_LOGID 13.6.0 Number(11,0)

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