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This table is a stand alone table that stores information used in the School Activity Report views and is collected from the Staff Role page.

Column Name


Data Type


END_DATE 13.6.0 DATEThe date the staff person ended this role.
OCCUPATION_ROLE_CODE 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(5)The code for the staff role assigned to this person. Codes are in Gen table where cat ='staff_roles' and Name is the code.
OCCUPATION_ROLE_CODE_DESC 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)The description of the code for the staff role assigned to this person. Codes are in Gen table where cat ='staff_roles' and Value is the description.
RPT_RUN_ID 13.6.0 NUMBER(,)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
SCHOOL_ID 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The school number for this record.
STAFF_ROLE_DURATION_TIME 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(6)The number of minutes a day the staff person performs this role.
STAFF_ROLE_PERCENT_OF_TIME 13.6.0 NUMBER(11,0)The percent of day the staff person performs this role.
START_DATE 13.6.0 DATEThe date the staff person started this role.
TEACHER_USERS_DCID 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Foreign key that links to the Users table.

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