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This table is a stand alone table that stores information used in the School Activity Report Class Size Summary.

Column Name


Data Type


CLASS_SIZE 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The average number of students in each class. Number of students/Number of Teachers rounded to an integer.
GRADE_CATEGORY 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The grade category for this record.
INSTANCE_ID 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The ID linking this row to a specific row in the CST_DSHReportSubmissions table.
LEAD_COUNT 13.6.0 NUMBER(,)The total number of lead teachers.
LEA_ID 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The LEA number for this report.
LEA_NAME 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(500)The LEA name for this report.
NUM_STU_GRADE 13.6.0 NUMBER(,)The total number of students in this grade level.
ROW_NUM 13.6.0 NUMBER(,)The row number for this record to sort this be grade category.
RPT_RUN_ID 13.6.0 NUMBER(,)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
SCHOOL_NAME 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(500)The name of the school for this report.
SCHOOL_NUM 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The school number for this report.

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