S_NC_RPT_DROP_DETAIL (ver 13.6.0)
This table is a stand alone table that stores information used in the student dropout report views.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
AIG_EXCP | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(4) | The student's Academic & Intellectually Gifted exceptionality code. |
DROPOUT_REASON | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(7) | The student's dropout reason code. |
DROPOUT_REASON_DESC | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(7) | The studnet's dropout reason code description. |
ETHNIC_DESC | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(50) | The description of the state ethnicity code. |
EXITCODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The student's last exit code from the prior year. |
EXITDATE | 13.6.0 | DATE | The student's exit date from the prior year. |
FIRST_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(50) | Indicates the student's first name. |
GENDER | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | Indicates the student's gender. |
GRADE_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(4) | Indicates the state grade level code. |
GRADE_LEVEL | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(4) | Indicates the student's grade level. |
HAS_FATALS | 13.6.0 | CHAR | Indicates if the record has data that causes a fatal exception. This will not be included in the final summary reports. |
LAST_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(50) | Indicates the student's last name. |
LEA_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | Indicates the name of the LEA where the record was created. |
MATCH_ENROL_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The entry code associated with the matched enrollment record |
MATCH_ENROL_DATE | 13.6.0 | DATE | The entry date associated with the matched enrollment record |
MATCH_EXIT_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The exit code, if any, returned by the match process for an enrollment record |
MATCH_EXIT_DATE | 13.6.0 | DATE | The exit date, if any, returned by the match process for an enrollment record |
MATCH_LEA_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | LEA Name where student is found enrolled in the current school year |
MATCH_LEA_NUM | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The district ID when a match is found. Note this field is always 3 alphanumeric characters. |
MATCH_SCHOOL_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | School Name where student is found enrolled in the current school year |
MATCH_SCHOOL_NUM | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The school ID of the school when a match is found |
MATCH_SCHOOL_PHONE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(31) | Phone number where the student is now attending |
PREF_SCHOOL_YEAR | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | The previous school year. |
PRIM_EXCP | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(50) | The student's primary exceptionality code. |
RPT_RUN_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(,) | Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID. |
SCHOOL_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | Indicates the name of the school reporting the student as a dropout. |
SCHOOL_NUMBER | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | Indicate the school number of the school reporting the student as a dropout. |
STATE_ETHNIC_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | The code for the state ethnicity. |
STATE_EXITCODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(4) | The student's |
STATE_STUDENTID | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | Indicates the state student number. |
STUDENTID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(,) | Indicates the student number. |
VERIFIED_DROPOUT | 13.6.0 | CHAR | Indicates whether the district has verified that the student is a dropout and checked the verified dropout checkbox. |
WITHDRAWAL_AGE | 13.6.0 | CHAR | The age of the student at the time the report was run. |