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This table is a stand alone table that stores information used in the student discipline views particularly the Transferred Offered to Violent Crimes Summary View. This reflects the summary totals from the Transferred Offered to Violent Crimes Detail view as long as the records were not flagged as has fatals.

Column Name


Data Type


INSTANCE_ID 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the instance id that links back to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table along with the RPT_RUN_ID.
LEA_ID 13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)Indicates the LEA number where the incident occurred.
NOAVALIABLE_TRANSFER 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the total number of students who had no available transfer.
RPT_RUN_ID 13.6.0 NUMBER(,)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID
SCHOOL_ID 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the School number where the incidents occurred.
VICACCEPTED_TRANSFER 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the total number of students who accepted the offer of a transfer to another school. This is based on sub-codes setup in the Action Codes for Victim Actions.
VICDECL_TRANFEROFFER 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the total number of students who declined the offer of a transfer to another school.This is based on sub-codes setup in the Action Codes for Victim Actions.
VICNOTOFF_TRANSFER 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the total number of students who were not offered a transfer to another school.This is based on sub-codes setup in the Action Codes for Victim Actions.
VICOFF_TRANSFER 13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the total number of students who were offered a transfer to another school.This is based on sub-codes setup in the Action Codes for Victim Actions.

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